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Partner with brains or not - Men & Women

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #5531 [Ignore] 18,May,09 14:54
I have been chatting with one of these wonderful ladies and the topic came up about sex partners that are smart (no I don't mean genius smart) or partners that are just dumber than a box of dog turds. Personally I like my partner to have some brains, thoughts, ideas, which all lead to exploration in bed. I have had a couple of women who were just too (for lack of a better word) dumb to even think about going back for seconds. Thoughts?

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By #496814 17,Nov,15 07:32
Id love my partner having at least some brain. It makes bresthing, eating, peeing etc. a lot easier.

By #181785 16,Nov,15 20:00
For a sexual only partner, no I don't need one with brains. However, for a partner I would need someone who can talk about many subjects with some knowledge about them.

By slipper [Ignore] 16,Nov,15 00:22 other posts 
Yes, simply one part of the equation!!!

By #497672 15,Nov,15 06:36
it is nice if a partner is intelligent, but a person is a person and it is personality that makes a relationship.

By #248658 13,Nov,15 22:34
I'll take brains over killer body all day every day. Airhead women drive me crazy.

By #3997 19,May,09 16:47
i need someone with brains, i need someone that i can talk too and have a conversation with, that can last a lifetime,

By #7976 19,May,09 13:28
Finding a mate who turns you on sexually isn't always about just how they look. It is a process of getting to know each other and finding that there is an attraction.

The majority of us have gone out trolling the local pub or cowboy bar for a sexual partner; not particularly caring who they were just so they had the same need for sexual gratification. In the end though, there's the inevitable "Coyote Ugly" moment when we realize that it was really unfulfilling.

To have a great relationship with a person, sexually or otherwise, means having a partner with an intellect that challenges our senses and arouses our libido. Once that is achieved, the gratification from having a fulfilling sexual encounter with our lovers is taken from routine to extraordinary.

In the end, anyone can have sex with anyone but if it is going to be great sex, you need to find a complementary intelligence to go with complementary looks.

Remember, the Brain is the largest sexual organ in the human body.

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