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breed is rude to and runs off our women members

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #20664 [Ignore] 30,May,10 20:30
Sorry this member could possibly be allowed to exist. If not eliminated from society completely I do believe real women will never stay members at SYC for long. And you all wonder why women are rare here, it's because people like breed have no respect.
I am seriously an honorable man and if you dare breed, step into the real world and open that fowl mouth of yours to my face and say things like that about my wife. Let's see how far you get.

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Similar topics: 1.hung bb top looking for ass to breed   2.Deletions,alexblue,monted and the admin,   3.The "Ageist" nonsense   4.In Case You Were Wondering...   5.Rude Bitches (and Sons of Bitches)  

By #485312 08,Feb,21 15:28
must be Dgraffs friend, they both have problems with fitting in, both couldn't get laid in a brothel with a bag full of money and paper bag on their heads *lix*

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 02,Feb,21 14:15 other posts 

Breed was a nasty scump!
By #574505 02,Feb,21 15:37
Breed was awesome
By Dev01 [Ignore] 02,Feb,21 22:59 other posts 
Breed was rude to everyone
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 08,Feb,21 14:33 other posts 
Was that cunt Mysize Breed? Or was it that Evers guy??

By #34282 02,Jun,10 14:10
While I'm not a fan of breed either, posting a topic such as this won't help at all. Don't feed the troll.

By #59855 01,Jun,10 23:04
From Matt's Wife: Breed I will use this to talk to you since I banned you when you were so mean to me in chat. I never did anything to hurt you and I did not deserve your rant that evening. I don't hate you but I will not put up with anyones crap. I hope we can find common ground because I have heard from friends that you have done some very nice things.
By #59855 01,Jun,10 23:05
From Matt's Wife: Let me be clear...I banned you from our page, not chat.

By #76448 31,May,10 06:53
I haven't a clue who or what breed is and don't want to know but he cost me 10 points. I noticed Mrs Jesse had no points and was innocently donating a few by rating her pics when she suddenly deleted all her pics, taking away my precious points in the process. I love this site, we don't need poison here. To breed
By admin [Ignore] 01,Jun,10 12:19 other posts 
Points transferred to other member by rating his/her pics are not lost when those pics are deleted. This transition becomes permanent in the moment of the vote.

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