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Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #62670 [Ignore] 21,Mar,10 22:47

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Similar topics: 1.Body to penis ratio !   2.bathmate penis enlarger   3.Is Penis power?   4.EXPLAIN MY PENIS   5.Penis Enlargement  

By spermkiss [Ignore] 22,Mar,10 01:42 other posts 
magikwand and sinanff47 both put it very well. Also have a look at the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site. Now, if I may, I like to give you some words of reassurance. I just had a look at your page, and believe me, you have a very fine penis. While it's not the largest in the world, it's certainly large enough. Furthermore, as I've said numerous times before, shape and proportion are far more important than size. And you penis is perfect in both. I truely mean that, perfect shape and perfect proportion. It's a real joy to look at your penis. You have a lovely dick, enjoy it.

By #23212 22,Mar,10 01:04
And I just have to add this: Since you state that you live in Detroit, it seems kind of simple to me: You just go across the river to Windson, Ontario, and suddenly your 6-8 inch dick, is a 15-20 one (cm.)! And enjoy yourself there too.
By #23212 22,Mar,10 01:40

By #47515 22,Mar,10 00:46
ALL penis enlarging systems are a complete scam INCLUDING the idiotic ad that usually appears at the top of this page, promising dramatic results "in just weeks." Anyone who actually pays money hoping that manipulating their dick in a "special" way will permanently and appreciably increase its length, girth and strength - well, I have some ocean-front property in Iowa you might be interested in. I mean, THINK ABOUT IT; if that were possible, it would have been spontaneously discovered by men millenia ago and it would now be common knowledge!

The only reason these scams are able to rake in millions every year is because of male insecurity; something mostly PERPETRATED BY THE PORN INDUSTRY.

Years ago, my son confided that he was somewhat ashamed of his "average" dick size. I asked him if his wife had a problem with it. He said no, not at all. I told him that it seemed to me that the "problem" was all in his own mind. After some thought, he admitted that many of the men in internet porn made him feel inadequate. I reminded him that guys with horse-cocks and three days-worth of staying power are the exception, not the rule. And that all the rest of it is shallow, contrived and extremely distorted - something a lot of today's young people don't seem to grasp.
By #23212 22,Mar,10 00:59
As a retired psychologist, dealing with this worry many, many times, I usually started with asking the young, or not so young, man if he knew where a woman's clitoris was. ... Oh, 'on the outside, you say'! Hmmmm, let's think about that 'length question' again... And yes, I do agree with what you've said here--thanks.

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