I love cock. All sizes and shapes of cock. Doesn't matter it it is cut or not, it it gets near my face I'm going down on it. Love the taste of pre-cum and love to swallow all the cum the cock can shoot in my mouth. Guess you could call me a cock hound.
I cum here to check out what's new. Many times I am set on checking and leaving. My plans might be to search porn sites for some women to jerk off to. I have my heart set on finding a woman in a situation that turns me on and then plan on stroking until it spitz. But, after cumming here and seeing all of those absolutely beautiful cocks I tend to end up searching porn for cocks to jerk off to. If i still have a little desire left for a woman I look for trannies or CDs to blow my load to. While generally straight, the sight of a stiff oiled up cock ALWAYS gets my attention. As a matter of fact. Put a naked babe in front of me and a guy with a nice hard cock in front of me too and tell me that I can have only one of them. I will choose that stiff cock every time. As a matter of fact. It just happened again. I had a desire to jerk to some BBW that was being gangbanged. But will search cocks again. Gotta love it when you are steered to what you really like.
I've never been attracted to the looks of men whereas a few years ago I realized how beautiful the male penis is. My whole being and energy is
Centered and focused on pleasing and giving pleasure to the cock
Centered and focused on pleasing and giving pleasure to the cock
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