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If you want to see what "unhinged" means check out the Public Messages on my page

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Started by #188992 [Ignore] 29,Aug,20 18:08
Methinks SrCums needs to up his meds!

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By #592419 04,Sep,20 09:51
For a while I could not understand why you are just an asshole..I was confused but as time goes on it turns out you are just nothing but a sloppy smelly camel-spermed filthy cunt... When I think of that adjective I feel better because it suits you better...
Don't take this personally... After all you are what your born with...Mom said always be the best you can be... Well, no doubt in my mind,, You are the best and most prolific cunt I have ever met in my life,, not just major leagues but hall of fame.. What a rare specimen..
By #188992 05,Sep,20 12:12
My time is limited this weekend, so I'll make this simple for you, fruitcake:

When someone calls you a fruitcake and a weirdo your best defence is probably to remain rational and attack their arguments. What's LESS wise is to imagine a heterosexual man has a cunt, then to imagine a camel fucking that cunt and ejaculating in that cunt. Do you not see how fucking weird you're being? Get help, you nutjob.

You truly ARE a weirdo and a fruitcake. Your other posts, since this one, just reinforce that impression. The fucking hilarious thing is that if I am trying to prove that you're an unhinged fruitcake, that dreams up weird sexual threats for a straight guy, YOU'RE doing all the heavy lifting in that task!

Every time I read something you post, I think: bobbymyseh. Now especially for, my demented little fruitcake:

Lign in drerd un bakn beygl!

And a touch of Anglo Saxon just to end with: fuck off, cunt!

By #592419 04,Sep,20 19:21
[deleted image] What helps huxley999 get through hard times

By #592419 04,Sep,20 19:19
As long as he continues it won't stop.. I know who he is ... Bella spilled the beans on a hot mic... If you want to be political and biased by all means but at least you can pretend to be fair,That's why the democrats are so fucked up

By #592419 04,Sep,20 10:20
♂ huxley999 2 hour(s)

Can someone tell that cunt to stop looking at my cock.

By phart [Ignore] 03,Sep,20 20:01 other posts 




adjective: unhinged

mentally unbalanced; deranged.

"the violent acts of unhinged minds"

I just thought it meant something fell off the hinges and it was time to fire up the welder and repair the hinge?

By #188992 03,Sep,20 15:32
Latest blog of the mighty SrCums:


Firstly, it's "your" not "you're". Otherwise you make it seem like I am a goose, you silly sausage!

Secondly, I'll let others make their own judgement on how likely I am to go "crying" to anybody! Fucking fruitcake.

Finally, YOU'RE "relentless"? Oh dearie me, I am just fucking warming up you strange little fucker. I'll show the meaning of Nemesis, you cunt.

Save those points up, weirdo, my page is sadly lacking of your decorations.

The State of Israel is a force for evil in terms of it's policy regarding the Palestinian territories.
By #610414 03,Sep,20 17:25
The State of Israel IS EVIL for letting SrCum escape a cross

By #188992 03,Sep,20 15:57
And on the 14th day of Av Elul, in the year 5780, our most blessed mensch (SrCums of the Issachar) did say to the Philistine:

"Calling me names i can deal with.. insulting my race or religion is a crime...this is going too far."

And The Lord was sad, because that was a really pathetic and cowardly thing to say. But SrCums was unmoved by The Lord's protestations, and carried on being a fucking pussy and posted more weird shit on the Philistine's page. And lo, everybody could see what a fruitcake he is.
By #610414 03,Sep,20 17:22
Sounds to me like SrCums is right. Insulting his Jewishness (is that a word?) or his pee pee donation at birth is against the law.

By #551147 03,Sep,20 14:38

BEST line of the day! ➡️ "PS. you have my deepest sympathy. 49 years? There's people get lighter sentences for murder."

Nuttier than squirrel shit that one is...

Bravo! 👏👏👏

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
By #188992 03,Sep,20 15:00
Glad you approve!

You should see what I say about you!!

By #188992 03,Sep,20 06:11
Hey fruitcake (SrCums)!

You may still have me "blocked" but I can read your blogs. Ha fucking ha.

If you go back and check my posts you will find, firstly, that it is NOT anti-Semitic to criticise Israel's policies in the Palestinian territories and, secondly, I have chastised others for calling you a "dirty Jew". So, call me racist and Jew hater as much as you like - it's just another indication that you don't allow facts to get in the way of your weird diatribes.

There is actually no way on this Earth, or any other, that you could make my life on here "miserable". Your threats are as empty as your head. Did Mommy's little weirdo have to name a blog "Help me Bella, help me Kebmo"? Although, being the fruitcake you are, you used caps lock as well!

You don't need their help, you need psychiatric help you fucking fruitcake. If you think I've insulted your race or religion you're just deluded. You'll not see hate speech from me and I think you have something over there called the 1st amendment?

You're a right wing nutjob. The right wing bit means I will, in the majority of cases, disagree with you politically. The nutjob bit means that whenever I rattle your cage you froth at the proverbial mouth and make threats about shoving your cock down my throat and ripping out my asshole. Totally sane!!

Shit on my page, keep me "blocked", make weirdly sexual treats, threaten me with taking it to the next level - it's ALL water off a duck's back you fucking fruitcake. Have a weird day, cunt!
By #610414 03,Sep,20 12:11
If the price for calling this asshole, SrCums, a dirty Jew is getting chastised by Mr Huxlee, it's worth it.

By #188992 02,Sep,20 12:53
Comedy gold from SrCums yet again:

He praised one of his "friends" for taking a shit on my page, that "friend" changed his mind about making that particular choice, and now SrCums has gifted his (presumably) former friend a pissing dog.

With friends like that, huh, Love2show2?

Rarely is "laugh out loud" really true, but that one had me nearly crying with laughter! What a fruitcake!!

By #188992 01,Sep,20 11:14
Out of puerile interest I thought I would see why people have blacklisted SrCums, interesting reading:

"Blacklist reasons for SrCums

In case if you see insults here instead of rational reasons -
Insults indicate feeling of rejection, envy, jealousy towards the member, they don't reflect this member's personality.

1. an idiot bigot.

2. offensive

3. Just a nasty pig

4. ....States that I said things or take certain positions which I never said and are UNTRUE. I feel like having his tongue cut for slandering me.

5. racist

6. He's a fucking Israeli idiot.

7. l didn't want to add this bloke to my friends list after 2 lines of a conversation, so he blacklisted me, calls me immature and stupid, l don't have time for these people who rant about politics and make no sense, multiple account holder

8. Raving posts.

9. Not on here for fucking politics. Hes just being an annoying douche.

10. Personal

11. He keeps trashing my page. He’s too chickenshit to argue like a man. He’s a little girl.

12. Cause i can

13. Fucking Wanker"

Makes me wonder whether I should blacklist him as well! Nah, the fruitcake's comedy gold!

Of course it could be that all the above members, and me, have got him all wrong and he's a adorable little weirdo who just needs to vent his spleen a little!

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 29,Aug,20 21:42 other posts 
??? very odd comments on a site designed for us to discuss and show pix of our tools and to ask about things sexual! There are way too many other paces to talk about politics and other crap like that especially in today's world of lieing idiots with no toughs abut any of this just a mouth full of junk to spew! But thanks for being here for some of the other things you folks do show off!
By #610414 31,Aug,20 10:30
Kre8tor69, all you have to do is have a look at my page. Unless you are gay, I guarantee you a great time

By bella! [Ignore] 29,Aug,20 18:21 other posts 
I have NO IDEA why he thinks I'm one of your fakes. I've never said or discussed anything about Israel, Jews OR politics (kinda, but not in depth) because people are way too firm in their beliefs and take a spirited debate and make it personal.

I'm not sure if SrCums can see your post or comment in the forum because of his "site rating". Just an observation, if you are not careful, you're headed that way, too.
By #188992 29,Aug,20 18:24
Ooh, what's a "site rating"?

My apologies, as I've said elsewhere, if you get any flak just because SrCums thinks you are me, and I am you!
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Aug,20 18:29 other posts 
Yesterday, you had a yellow smiley face. Yep, 9 people who befriended you and 1 person who blacklisted you.

Today, your yellow smiley face is now blue (neutral) because you have 8 people who have befriended you and 2 who have blacklisted.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring.
By #188992 29,Aug,20 18:40
Oh, another site "quirk" I had no idea about!

I saw somebody, recently, talking about a "frown" on their page. Is that the same deal?

8 to 2 doesn't sound TOO shabby, particularly knowing who the 2 were!

If I suddenly "disappear from view", kiss the children (phart, SrCums, Scorps et al) for me!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Aug,20 18:31 other posts 
I don't care what arir39, Godzillas or SrCums says or does. He definitely needs meds.
By #188992 29,Aug,20 19:59
The strange little bit of navel fluff has blocked me from responding to him, in any way I can think of, so I have this little message for him (which any of you can feel free to pass on to the fucking fruitcake - listening Scorps?):

Hey coward. Lovely how you have blocked me from every method of pointing out you're wacky. If you count that as a "win", you're welcome. If, on the other hand, you actually have some bollocks reverse your changes and put yourself in the Court of public opinion. You're lower than a snake's belly, fruitcake. Rest assured that I will lose not a moment of sleep over you and your witterings.

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