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The REPUBLICANS were also inscompicuous. The whole country wants action on guns and they won't return from summer break. Well, it's typical. The Republicans have done nothing, nada, after all the mass shootings in the last 20 years. Let's VOTE THEM OUT IN 2020
--------------------------------------- added after 10 hours
He can't even close an umbrella.
SA=South Africa.
My guess is that you hear about the United States only because it is an avenue to criticize and trash our government and the leadership.
Oh, my heavens! I was not aware that the murder rate was so high.
My guess is that you hear about the United States only because it is an avenue to criticize and trash our government and the leadership.
Your guess would be wrong. If you think that all these deaths by mass shootings is just an avenue to criticize the NUT IN THE WHITE HOUSE, then, lady, you have a very cold heart.
Now! Where the fuck is the part Bella said "THESE MASS SHOOTINGS IS JUST AN AVENUE TO CRITICIZE"?
You people wonder why we call you retarded, stupid, morons, dumbasses, dunces, and many many other things.
Anyway, why are you responding for her. The lady doesn't have a mouth?
And, I think GOTDAMN is spelled GODDAMN. No matter, I've been told I'm an awful speller and use commas wrong,,,,,,
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes
BTW, Scorpio, you said.
You people wonder why we call you retarded, stupid, morons, dumbasses, dunces, and many many other things.
Who the fuck asked you? A third rate dick in a porno site giving personal opinions about people who wouldn't even give you the time of day in real life. When I want your opinion, I'll ask someone that is actually smart.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes
I TRULY loved you're last retort, it made me giggle. Good stuff there!
No one here or anywhere I am on the net has mentioned the Utah family that was shot and killed in Mexico last month for not stopping at a supposed Police check point. Mom and Dad both shot in the head and the young k1d in the back seat badly wounded. Can you imagine the memorys that kid has now? it is said the crooks in Mexico wear the same clothes as cops to fool people into stopping at checkpoints to be robbed,beated,r$ped and so forth.
We compare the US to other similar democracies. Would you prefer that we thought of the US as a lawless third world country?
As you say the President has shown willingness to use Executive orders to get his way in other areas, so why not with Gun control. It beggars belief that so many americans seem totally comfortable with these frequent massacres shrugging their shoulders and saying it is nothing to do with gun control.
[deleted image]
this is my house. The trailer is a hunting lodge and weekend home
Second, I'm not exploiting anything. I wrote how it affected me. You can take it any way you like it. It won't change the fact.
Third, it's funny that to rationalize these acts of gun violence and as a way to argue for gun ownership, you attack the messenger. Why aren't you coming out against semi-automatic military style long weapons? Why aren't you asking for better controls to fire arms? Why won't you ask for waiting periods? Yes, I'm a twisted puke. That will really solve this crisis. There were 250 incidents like this one this year. Are you blind?
My weekend trailer is nothing to look at but it cost me $14000. I paid cash 8 yrs ago. It's on a main highway in Marion county (same as Ocala) in Central Florida. It's on a plot of land about the size of an acre with electricity, water well and it's not in a trailer park. We are across the road from the Ocala National Forest. We get mama bears walking by the back yard with the cubs in late February and we get deer year round. The nearest super market is 12 miles one way, same as the town. Disney World, Universal Studios and Seaworld are 45 min south of us. Flagler Beach is 1 hr east of us and Christal River is 1 hr west of us on the Gulf We like to go up on long weekends (3.5 Hr drive from Miami or Valdosta) Yes, it's trailer trash, you twisted puke
Hasn't a clue what real numbers are.
This is part of the article from CBS here
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I didn't make it up, but, you nuclear scientists could have Googled it
Now there may have been 251 people shot in the mass shootings.
In that case you don't read very well but there hasn't been 251 different shootings.
And get it right, I am a Rocket Scientist.
Have a wonderful day.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Besides, who gives a flying fuck? 25, 250, 2500, 25000, the killings are real and all you can do is argue. Dumbass
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Or is this just all fake news?
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then listen to it
This was published yesterday, Aug. 5 2019
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This reports 17 Mass Shootings up till yesterday in the US.
Are you now going to call ABC News a lair?
In other words you know better than them.
Worry about how many babies your party has killed this year.
How many your vote helped to kill through abortion.
Leave "Mass Shootings" alone as you have PROVED you know nothing.
Dig a little deeper. I went to this story.
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The tittle is "What Is A Mass Shooting". It tells you about the different ways mass shootings qualify in different surveys such as FBI, CONGRESS AND A non profit named Gun Violence Archive.
One of the more generous definitions, used by the Gun Violence Archive, a nonprofit that has been tracking “gun-related violence” in the U.S. since 2013. The Gun Violence Archive is updated daily, and as a result is often cited when people are looking for “the latest” numbers on gun violence.
This one is used a lot. If you look in their web page
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you will find that they report 253 incidents that were verified.
I don't make these statistics. I certainly don't tell them how or when to count the incident.
Now, let's say I'm a dippy blonde that talks out of her ass. Let's say that there where seventeen (17) mass shootings this year, does that make it alright? Should there be a minimum number of shootings before we get upset? What do you recommend? Twenty? How many deaths and injured? 30, 40, 50, 100?
You keep attacking me on a personal basis. It's like I poked you with a stick. So far all you've done is spew a lot of hot air, but, you know what you've not have done? You have not expressed any sorrow for the victims and their families. Either you don't like me because of my stance on guns or the stupid, racist, president we currently have. You want to hate me? Fine, do so, but, why don't you at least try to feel concern for your fellow human beings?
Why not even, "let's sell guns only to verified citizens"? I had to prove who I was to get a drivers licence.
And last, as you've demonstrated before, you know nothing about abortion. You spew what you hear at the bar or at your dinner table. Facts elude you, so, here goes.
ROE V WADE made sure abortion was decriminalized. It happened while Richard Nixon, a Republican, was president
But, abortion was until 2004, a state issue. It was legal in some states and not in others. Even counties in same state could be different.
On October 21, 2003, the United States Senate passed the bill to legalize abortions by a vote of 64-34, with a number of Democrats joining in support. The bill was signed by President George W. Bush on November 5, 2003
Last I checked it was a Republican president with a Republican Congress.
We liberals believe a woman has a right to determine how her body is going to be used. Most of us (me for instance) believe that it's only ok to do it in the first trimester. We believe that a sentient human being is not yet evolved.
I think I rebutted all your concerns about me.
I don't have all the answers and my answers to the problem might be wrong, but, at least I have the balls (such as they are) to try. You, Sir, have not contributed anything positive to this discussion. How about growing a set and at least try to show some sorrow for the dead.
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A president can give an executive order to ban assault rifles. We had such a law. The Supreme Court said that the second amendment does not prohibit firearm control laws. The president can't ban arms, just regulate it. I tried again.
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And liberals like taxes to pay for replacement of old, dilapidated bridges as they tend to fall at the worst time. Concervatives like to cut taxes to large corporations while the deficit grows to all time high and not reinvest in jobs
--------------------------------------- added after 13 minutes
I've owned guns since I was twelve years old. I'm not going out shooting people because I might hate them, there's sick people all over this earth, by banning certain weapons isn't going to stop killing, you can still kill with a hand full of hand guns, what's next, ban them too, oh I have 200 knives, maybe we should ban them too. I guess baseball bats are next, as twowarmths knows, we've had killings of homeless people in Miami killed from baseball bats. What's next
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Well said and no reason to say much more other than if you are against the regulation of guns and the outlawying of military style long guns, then, what is your solution? You tell us what can NOT be done. Why not tell us what CAN be done.
I was staggered that the Police were on the scene within q1 minute and already 9 people were dead.
--------------------------------------- added after 104 minutes
TO COUNTRYCOUPLE54 (don't be chickenshit, I unblocked you sometime ago) You said,
Well said Cody. But you're waisting your breath with the gun control fanatics. Car accidents, cigarettes, alcohol, prescription drugs, fast-food, etc... Are killing people everyday. And are all legal. It's a part of life. So are guns, knives, bombs, and deranged lunatics. Gun control will take the rights of good honost law abiding citizens. 99% of guns used in a crime is unregistered. What I haven't heard anyone say yet, what's their plan to get the guns back from the criminals. It always has been and always will be "population control". We can't feed and house all the people in the world now. Could you imagine if everyone lived to be 90. Just a thought.
Car accidents are illegal, But I get your point, The difference is that Car accidents, cigarettes, alcohol, prescription drugs, fast-food, etc are individual choices. If you want to commit slow suicide, that is your right and one right I support. I drink, I smoke funny cigs, I have unprotected sex. Gun control, like having auto tags, drivers licences, getting a commercial fishing boat captain's licence or even a taxi licence shouldn't be a detriment to you owning a firearm. Last night (We are spending the last 2 weeks of vacation in the cabin) a bear got into our trash shed (we have to collect it and drive it to the dump). This morning, Charlie got info if a side by side shotgun will stop a bear, The answer and I quote, "a side by side shotgun will stop any animal on earth. This tells me that an SR-15 or an AK-47 or similar is not needed. Why can't we ban such weapons? As far as population control, in the seventies there was a big movement to just replace yourselves in a marriage. Two children to a family. It did not catch on, especially in other areas of the world. Places were the family needs more than the parents to work to survive. Infant and young people mortality rates is very high. You bring up good points but, we are talking about firearms. This country is overrun with guns. And while car accidents involve the NUT BEHIND THE STEERING WHEEL and as a result we won't be able to fix that, Some deaths by gun can be fixed B4 they happen. What's so bad about that?
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