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UK vs US Murder rates

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Started by Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 06:38  other posts
Some time ago President Trump tweeted about the Mayor of London’s failings with regard to the current spate of knife Murders in London. Basically the accusation was that Sadiq Khan, the Mayor, was failing in his duty to protect Londoners.
Within the past 24 hours there have been two mass shootings in the US taking, I think, 29 lives and injuring many more. In 2019 so far up to August 4th there have been 251 mass shootings in the US. 180 people have died and over 1000 people have been injured.
If the Mayor if London is criticised for lacking to control knife crime surely Trump should be criticised for failing to take steps to deal with this horrific stream of mass shootings.

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By #578610 05,Aug,19 18:09
This past weekend two mass shootings occurred. Home grown terrorists. Every one is in an uproar. There's mass condemnation of every bit of these heinous acts. Everyone except, you know who? That stupid president Trump and the REPUBLICANS. The president went golfing. He did not say a word until this morning. Over 48 hrs from the incidents. And what did he have to say? The Internet is to blame.
The REPUBLICANS were also inscompicuous. The whole country wants action on guns and they won't return from summer break. Well, it's typical. The Republicans have done nothing, nada, after all the mass shootings in the last 20 years. Let's VOTE THEM OUT IN 2020
By #551147 05,Aug,19 21:08
Yeah, good luck with that. In case you hadn't noticed, not much brain power running against him. A stage full of morons! 😄😆🤣😂
By #578610 05,Aug,19 21:11
He's not the brightest bulb in the house either
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He can't even close an umbrella.
By #275407 06,Aug,19 20:41
I've been trying to get them to bring back Pontiac cars, those damn republicans wont
By #578610 06,Aug,19 20:46
77 Firebird Trans Am with the 6.6 liter V8 and Firebird emblem on hood?
By #275407 06,Aug,19 20:54
I like the 2002 ws6 firebird better, it's a whole lot faster
By #578610 06,Aug,19 21:07
To each his own. I have carnal knowledge of the '77,,
By #551147 07,Aug,19 04:41
Lol It is a sad demise to a great car manufacturer. Pontiac was known best as General Motors performance division. Instead they chose to keep Buick... 😮
By #275407 07,Aug,19 23:26
Buick cars are for old people, there cars are no thrill rides, cheapies and plain.
By #551147 08,Aug,19 06:14
You got that right... Buick officially died when they killed the bad ass Reagal Grand National GNX.
By #578610 08,Aug,19 08:22
They are made to stop the gun violence in America.

By #61033 05,Aug,19 14:34
Come to good old SA where we have an average 52 murders a day, every day for 365 days a year... nearly 20,000 a year. Most of them will never lead to an arrest or conviction. I don't hear anyone trashing the SA government about these stats because this is Africa, no one gives a shit. What is interesting, even with our horrendous stats, is that we do not experience mass shootings like we often hear of over there.
SA=South Africa.
By #578610 06,Aug,19 08:11
That is a lot,
By #61033 06,Aug,19 16:17
It is mind boggling... Consider also that we have about 1/6 of your population which puts an entirely different spin on it...
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Aug,19 09:39 other posts 
Oh, my heavens! I was not aware that the murder rate was so high.

My guess is that you hear about the United States only because it is an avenue to criticize and trash our government and the leadership.
By #578610 06,Aug,19 11:22
To Bella (It's hard to tell you how wrong you are when you block me)

Oh, my heavens! I was not aware that the murder rate was so high.

My guess is that you hear about the United States only because it is an avenue to criticize and trash our government and the leadership.

Your guess would be wrong. If you think that all these deaths by mass shootings is just an avenue to criticize the NUT IN THE WHITE HOUSE, then, lady, you have a very cold heart.
By #551147 06,Aug,19 17:58
Why don't you twist her words some more! GOTDAMN you libs just spin shit whatever fuckin way you like. Let me reiterate what she said in bold, maybe you didn't have your granny readers on...


Now! Where the fuck is the part Bella said "THESE MASS SHOOTINGS IS JUST AN AVENUE TO CRITICIZE"?

You people wonder why we call you retarded, stupid, morons, dumbasses, dunces, and many many other things.

By #578610 06,Aug,19 18:05
We are talking about mass shootings. She said, "IT IS AN AVENUE TO CRITICIZE". Without any other reference, the "IT" reference is accepted as being the subject of the conversation. I interpreted it like that. I don't lick her ass daily so it's hard to guess what she meant, like you. (see what I did there? )
Anyway, why are you responding for her. The lady doesn't have a mouth?
And, I think GOTDAMN is spelled GODDAMN. No matter, I've been told I'm an awful speller and use commas wrong,,,,,,
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

BTW, Scorpio, you said.
You people wonder why we call you retarded, stupid, morons, dumbasses, dunces, and many many other things.


Who the fuck asked you? A third rate dick in a porno site giving personal opinions about people who wouldn't even give you the time of day in real life. When I want your opinion, I'll ask someone that is actually smart.
By #551147 06,Aug,19 18:13
Just because I'm definitely a sinner doesn't mean I should strive to break every rule... I don't use the lord's name in vain as if that wasn't an obvious choice to use and spell it the way I do. As far as answering for her, perhaps I shouldn't have but you struck a nerve as you often do. I have ZERO idea of her beliefs, ideas, politically as she has NEVER from what I've seen hinted one way or the other. I have my suspicions as to what they are but that's all it would be is a guess.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

I TRULY loved you're last retort, it made me giggle. Good stuff there!
By #578610 06,Aug,19 18:16
Who the fuck asked you? A third rate dick in a porno site giving personal opinions about people who wouldn't even give you the time of day in real life. When I want your opinion, I'll ask someone that is actually smart.

By #551147 06,Aug,19 18:23
And again it made me laugh my ass off. Thanks for the laugh looks like you are good at something after all... 😄😆🤣😂
By phart [Ignore] 06,Aug,19 14:28 other posts 
The democrats and liberal media have nothing to gain by talking about the murder rates in a country with higher rates than ours.They want to point somewhere else with less numbers to make us look bad.Goes back to what I said about surveys and polls.Where the info comes from has alot to do with the desired outcome.
No one here or anywhere I am on the net has mentioned the Utah family that was shot and killed in Mexico last month for not stopping at a supposed Police check point. Mom and Dad both shot in the head and the young k1d in the back seat badly wounded. Can you imagine the memorys that kid has now? it is said the crooks in Mexico wear the same clothes as cops to fool people into stopping at checkpoints to be robbed,beated,r$ped and so forth.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 06,Aug,19 18:16 other posts 
The reason for that is that the US is a first world democracy, supposed to be a beacon of freedom and opportunity and is not a a corrupt third world country where lawlessness and gangs runs rife.
We compare the US to other similar democracies. Would you prefer that we thought of the US as a lawless third world country?
By phart [Ignore] 06,Aug,19 22:36 other posts 
No I would not.But I would prefer that the liberals took a realistic look at the world with their own numbers and realized,"wow" we could be as bad as them folks!" They could look at their own research and see that ,here in the US, we are better off than 3rd world countrys.It is the liberals that want the rest of the world to THINK we are a 3rd world country.

By #578610 04,Aug,19 08:48
I agree with you, Andthisisme. For two reasons. As he's shown before, he can enact AN EXECUTIVE ORDER banning automatic and semi-automatic weapons and high capacity magazines. He can also change his racist rhetoric and condemn hatred groups of all kinds.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 09:47 other posts 
There is no appetite by many in Congress for dealing with the gun issue in the US for the many reasons we all know about.
As you say the President has shown willingness to use Executive orders to get his way in other areas, so why not with Gun control. It beggars belief that so many americans seem totally comfortable with these frequent massacres shrugging their shoulders and saying it is nothing to do with gun control.
By #578610 04,Aug,19 09:55
I'm ashamed to admit it, but, you are so right. Yesterday's shooting diminished the outrage of the tragedy of the day before. We are getting used to the carnage. The other shooting in California a week ago had a little angel as a victim. So help me he was the spitting image of one of my grandchildren at that age. I broke down and cried. Children, for heaven's sake.
By #551147 04,Aug,19 15:18
Your exploitation of these tragedies to promote YOUR anti-gun agenda is sickening to say the least. NO law abiding citizen OR gun owner is happy about these incidents. An entire society should NOT be punished for the actions of a few. Only twisted pukes would think otherwise. You wouldn't be very happy if they wanted to outlaw mobile homes because not only are they tornado magnets but they breed trailer trash. Now would ya? Let's take away your home because of the behavior of others and then it's not so fuck8n funny anymore, huh? Where you gonna live then? Huh?
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 15:54 other posts 
I am not trying to exploit anything. My initial point was that a politician had attempted to score points by criticising a politician in another country for failing to control violence when he has worse problems in his own backyard. My message to him would be 'Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house'.
By #551147 05,Aug,19 02:22
I actually agree 100% with that assessment.
By #578610 04,Aug,19 16:02
[deleted image]

this is my house. The trailer is a hunting lodge and weekend home
Second, I'm not exploiting anything. I wrote how it affected me. You can take it any way you like it. It won't change the fact.
Third, it's funny that to rationalize these acts of gun violence and as a way to argue for gun ownership, you attack the messenger. Why aren't you coming out against semi-automatic military style long weapons? Why aren't you asking for better controls to fire arms? Why won't you ask for waiting periods? Yes, I'm a twisted puke. That will really solve this crisis. There were 250 incidents like this one this year. Are you blind?
My weekend trailer is nothing to look at but it cost me $14000. I paid cash 8 yrs ago. It's on a main highway in Marion county (same as Ocala) in Central Florida. It's on a plot of land about the size of an acre with electricity, water well and it's not in a trailer park. We are across the road from the Ocala National Forest. We get mama bears walking by the back yard with the cubs in late February and we get deer year round. The nearest super market is 12 miles one way, same as the town. Disney World, Universal Studios and Seaworld are 45 min south of us. Flagler Beach is 1 hr east of us and Christal River is 1 hr west of us on the Gulf We like to go up on long weekends (3.5 Hr drive from Miami or Valdosta) Yes, it's trailer trash, you twisted puke
By #582785 04,Aug,19 20:01
Most be another Kool Ade kid .
Hasn't a clue what real numbers are.
By #578610 04,Aug,19 20:22
As of Sunday, which was the 216th day of the year, there have been 251 mass shootings in the U.S., according to data from the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive, which tracks every mass shooting in the country. The Gun Violence Archive defines a mass shooting as any incident in which at least four people were shot, excluding the shooter.
This is part of the article from CBS here
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I didn't make it up, but, you nuclear scientists could have Googled it
By #582785 04,Aug,19 20:27
We don't need to google it, why? because it isn't true.
Now there may have been 251 people shot in the mass shootings.
In that case you don't read very well but there hasn't been 251 different shootings.
And get it right, I am a Rocket Scientist.

Have a wonderful day.
By #578610 04,Aug,19 20:50
Hey, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. I don't really care what you and Scorpio and all your like minded friends believe. The truth is out there. Go ahead, bury your head in the sand. All you will achieve is a head full of sand
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Besides, who gives a flying fuck? 25, 250, 2500, 25000, the killings are real and all you can do is argue. Dumbass
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 05,Aug,19 15:17 other posts 
Your data is sound, the Gun lobby just denies what doesn’t suit them.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 05,Aug,19 15:15 other posts 
You are wrong look at the data there have been 248 mass shootings so far this year in which 979 people were shot and 241 died.

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Or is this just all fake news?
By #578610 06,Aug,19 08:11

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then listen to it
By #582785 06,Aug,19 14:51
I know you can't understand this but maybe others will.
This was published yesterday, Aug. 5 2019
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This reports 17 Mass Shootings up till yesterday in the US.
Are you now going to call ABC News a lair?
In other words you know better than them.

Worry about how many babies your party has killed this year.
How many your vote helped to kill through abortion.
Leave "Mass Shootings" alone as you have PROVED you know nothing.
By #578610 06,Aug,19 17:49
BIWHITEMAN, I understand your confusion so I'll try to answer you. Statistics are how you get them and how they are presented. If I say I came in second in a marathon it sounds great. If I say I came in dead last in a marathon it sounds awful. If I told you that in that marathon there were only two people running both statements I made are true at the same time.
Dig a little deeper. I went to this story.

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The tittle is "What Is A Mass Shooting". It tells you about the different ways mass shootings qualify in different surveys such as FBI, CONGRESS AND A non profit named Gun Violence Archive.
One of the more generous definitions, used by the Gun Violence Archive, a nonprofit that has been tracking “gun-related violence” in the U.S. since 2013. The Gun Violence Archive is updated daily, and as a result is often cited when people are looking for “the latest” numbers on gun violence.
This one is used a lot. If you look in their web page

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you will find that they report 253 incidents that were verified.

I don't make these statistics. I certainly don't tell them how or when to count the incident.

Now, let's say I'm a dippy blonde that talks out of her ass. Let's say that there where seventeen (17) mass shootings this year, does that make it alright? Should there be a minimum number of shootings before we get upset? What do you recommend? Twenty? How many deaths and injured? 30, 40, 50, 100?

You keep attacking me on a personal basis. It's like I poked you with a stick. So far all you've done is spew a lot of hot air, but, you know what you've not have done? You have not expressed any sorrow for the victims and their families. Either you don't like me because of my stance on guns or the stupid, racist, president we currently have. You want to hate me? Fine, do so, but, why don't you at least try to feel concern for your fellow human beings?
Why not even, "let's sell guns only to verified citizens"? I had to prove who I was to get a drivers licence.

And last, as you've demonstrated before, you know nothing about abortion. You spew what you hear at the bar or at your dinner table. Facts elude you, so, here goes.
ROE V WADE made sure abortion was decriminalized. It happened while Richard Nixon, a Republican, was president
But, abortion was until 2004, a state issue. It was legal in some states and not in others. Even counties in same state could be different.
On October 21, 2003, the United States Senate passed the bill to legalize abortions by a vote of 64-34, with a number of Democrats joining in support. The bill was signed by President George W. Bush on November 5, 2003
Last I checked it was a Republican president with a Republican Congress.
We liberals believe a woman has a right to determine how her body is going to be used. Most of us (me for instance) believe that it's only ok to do it in the first trimester. We believe that a sentient human being is not yet evolved.

I think I rebutted all your concerns about me.
I don't have all the answers and my answers to the problem might be wrong, but, at least I have the balls (such as they are) to try. You, Sir, have not contributed anything positive to this discussion. How about growing a set and at least try to show some sorrow for the dead.
By #551147 05,Aug,19 03:36
I actually agree with a small portion of what you want. I'm cool with extensive background checks, waiting periods for certain weaponry. Oh wait, that's already implemented. DOH! I had to wait 7 days to take ownership of my SR-15. What next would you like to see? Figure out how to identify the loonies and you will have a winner. I'm also fairly certain that most people in favor of gun ownership don't believe they should be sold to ANYONE with ZERO checks of any sort or just willy nilly. No one's asking for that. But you all keep screaming more laws and regulations what more do you want short of outright banning? BTW, In response to YOUR "Executive Decision" rant, NO President can make such an order to circumvent our constitution. Try again...
By #578610 05,Aug,19 06:44
For one, I believe an SR-15 should not be sold. Why would you need such a weapon? Do you believe the Talibán will overrun the country? Or do you need a pissing contest exhibit? My two sons and my daughter married into Cuban families. In total the family has a small armory of all types of handguns, rifles, shotguns and assault rifles. Most of the men own 3 or 4 firearms. My brothers have owned hunting rifles all their lives and guns for protection. I know guns. I also know the 2 main reasons for gun ownership. Hunting and showing off to your buds.
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A president can give an executive order to ban assault rifles. We had such a law. The Supreme Court said that the second amendment does not prohibit firearm control laws. The president can't ban arms, just regulate it. I tried again.
By #551147 05,Aug,19 08:01
The reason why I wanted such a weapon is completely irrelevant. Whether it's an art piece I hang over the mantle, a weapon I just enjoy shooting and owning, or hell, if I want just to "show off to my bud's", or preparation for the Zombie Apocalypse. I worked for and paid MY money to own it. I NOR it is harming a soul... Now, what exactly gives you and those like you the right OR authority to tell me what I can and can't have? I guess you would like to be told what kinda car you can or can't have or where you can or can't live? Why stop there, just start telling me what I should do with MY money. OH! That's right! Libs DO in fact wanna tell people what they can and can't do with their money. My bad, wasn't thinking there. Now, what's the difference in those examples?
By #578610 05,Aug,19 08:14
Heaven forbid I'd get the right to tell you what to own or where to use your money, BUT, Congress can. Tomorrow some low life burgles your home and takes your SR-15. He sells it or uses it to wipe out half of Walmart. You didn't do anything illegal and, I'm betting the gun is blameless too. As far as your money is concerned, if you work for an employer, he is required to withhold about 14% of your salary for income taxes and Social Security. You pay taxes on every gallon of gas. AS far as what I can drive, the local cops won't let me drive Charlie's Mudding Truck on the streets. Believe me, with the traffic in Miami, I need it
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And liberals like taxes to pay for replacement of old, dilapidated bridges as they tend to fall at the worst time. Concervatives like to cut taxes to large corporations while the deficit grows to all time high and not reinvest in jobs

By #275407 05,Aug,19 21:19
What about the mass shootings and killing of thousands of lives in middle eastern country's, I don't hear anything about stopping them. I hate trump, but I don't blame him for the actions of sick weak minded people who snap and kill others.
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I've owned guns since I was twelve years old. I'm not going out shooting people because I might hate them, there's sick people all over this earth, by banning certain weapons isn't going to stop killing, you can still kill with a hand full of hand guns, what's next, ban them too, oh I have 200 knives, maybe we should ban them too. I guess baseball bats are next, as twowarmths knows, we've had killings of homeless people in Miami killed from baseball bats. What's next
By #578610 06,Aug,19 08:01
You can not kill 9 running people in less than 60 seconds with regular guns. At least most shooters can't. And nowhere near that amount with knifes if the victim is running away. I hope you don't ever want to be a mass shooter. You want a Boy Scout badge for that? Middle eastern countries hove their own problems. We are talking about the USA. You know, The country that has so many firearms that we could arm half the world?

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Well said and no reason to say much more other than if you are against the regulation of guns and the outlawying of military style long guns, then, what is your solution? You tell us what can NOT be done. Why not tell us what CAN be done.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 06,Aug,19 08:43 other posts 
Your first point is something that I keep trying to get the pro gun lobby to understand, but there appears to be a mental block. OK, with an explosion you could kill more people that is true but in no other way than with a gun.
I was staggered that the Police were on the scene within q1 minute and already 9 people were dead.
By #578610 06,Aug,19 09:31
Agreed. What's more, a bomb is a stationary device. It may kill many or none at all. Once it goes of its a pile of ruble
--------------------------------------- added after 104 minutes

TO COUNTRYCOUPLE54 (don't be chickenshit, I unblocked you sometime ago) You said,

Well said Cody. But you're waisting your breath with the gun control fanatics. Car accidents, cigarettes, alcohol, prescription drugs, fast-food, etc... Are killing people everyday. And are all legal. It's a part of life. So are guns, knives, bombs, and deranged lunatics. Gun control will take the rights of good honost law abiding citizens. 99% of guns used in a crime is unregistered. What I haven't heard anyone say yet, what's their plan to get the guns back from the criminals. It always has been and always will be "population control". We can't feed and house all the people in the world now. Could you imagine if everyone lived to be 90. Just a thought.

Car accidents are illegal, But I get your point, The difference is that Car accidents, cigarettes, alcohol, prescription drugs, fast-food, etc are individual choices. If you want to commit slow suicide, that is your right and one right I support. I drink, I smoke funny cigs, I have unprotected sex. Gun control, like having auto tags, drivers licences, getting a commercial fishing boat captain's licence or even a taxi licence shouldn't be a detriment to you owning a firearm. Last night (We are spending the last 2 weeks of vacation in the cabin) a bear got into our trash shed (we have to collect it and drive it to the dump). This morning, Charlie got info if a side by side shotgun will stop a bear, The answer and I quote, "a side by side shotgun will stop any animal on earth. This tells me that an SR-15 or an AK-47 or similar is not needed. Why can't we ban such weapons? As far as population control, in the seventies there was a big movement to just replace yourselves in a marriage. Two children to a family. It did not catch on, especially in other areas of the world. Places were the family needs more than the parents to work to survive. Infant and young people mortality rates is very high. You bring up good points but, we are talking about firearms. This country is overrun with guns. And while car accidents involve the NUT BEHIND THE STEERING WHEEL and as a result we won't be able to fix that, Some deaths by gun can be fixed B4 they happen. What's so bad about that?
By #460385 06,Aug,19 10:20
Well said Cody. But you're waisting your breath with the gun control fanatics. Car accidents, cigarettes, alcohol, prescription drugs, fast-food, etc... Are killing people everyday. And are all legal. It's a part of life. So are guns, knives, bombs, and deranged lunatics. Gun control will take the rights of good honost law abiding citizens. 99% of guns used in a crime is unregistered. What I haven't heard anyone say yet, what's their plan to get the guns back from the criminals. It always has been and always will be "population control". We can't feed and house all the people in the world now. Could you imagine if everyone lived to be 90. Just a thought.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Aug,19 14:31 other posts 
The American people are spoiled. Other countrys deal with more issues than we have and they go right along with their daily routines. Violence is common place in alot of countrys like Mexico. The citizens just deal with it.

By #578610 06,Aug,19 12:42
Boludos,boludos,boludos. Jugando a cowboy y indios. Querer ser como Alan Ladd en la película Shane. Tener un revolver listo atado a la pierna. Nenes de diez años. El mundo se caga de risa sabiendo que chiquilines estos gringos son.

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