PS4 for sure. Along with Atari, Nintendo and Sega, Sony pioneered in the g aming niche and created the industry we now know. They weren't sure whether they would profit from it when they took the first steps back in the early 80s.
Microsoft on the other hand invested billions to claim their spot in the already flourishing g aming industry, sealing the fate of the likes of Sega. They use it as their money machine when it became a big business and haven't contributed to establishing the market.
PS: I'm no fan of other Microsoft products either.
I'm a PlayStation exclusive
[deleted image]
Microsoft on the other hand invested billions to claim their spot in the already flourishing g aming industry, sealing the fate of the likes of Sega. They use it as their money machine when it became a big business and haven't contributed to establishing the market.
PS: I'm no fan of other Microsoft products either.
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