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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 16:18  other posts

New ones,old ones....what are you favourite movies,what are the turkeys you just don't like...have you got a favourite actor ? get the idea....

The Godfather trilogy....I still don't get it...

The Matrix was so good,then was followed by two sequels that just fucked the whole thing up....

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By #143536 28,Sep,15 17:00
I haven't seen many "horrible" movies but did anyone see "Enemy" with Jake Gyllenhaal? HORRIBLE!!

By mr_blue [Ignore] 28,Sep,15 15:49 other posts 
Anyone ever seen a bad Gene Hackman movie ?...

By #204766 15,Sep,15 20:07
I like the millennium trilogy

By #418042 07,Sep,15 20:16
Pulp fiction for ever.
The best movie I saw this year was Straight Outta Compton.
I love the whole Marvel cinematic universe, especially both Thor's movies.
I'm a fan of Tim Burton's movies.
Samuel Jackson is my favorite actor.
jennifer lawrence is my acting crush (check out my tribute here )
By #358797 07,Sep,15 22:24
Oooh. I'm a Thor fan, too. Awesome movies.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 15,Sep,15 10:55 other posts 

By #410609 06,Sep,15 03:57
Das Boot is the longest movie I've ever watched and was entertained the whole time. That is truly an epic movie.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,15 09:39 other posts 
I haven't seen that one. I searched on youtube and found

Das Boot 1981 - ganzer Film auf Deutsch
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but it's only in German.
By #410609 06,Sep,15 10:37
There is an English dubbed version of course. It must be available somewhere. It is a German film. I think its a riveting film for those who like war movies.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,15 12:45 other posts 
yeah, but i like to find it on youtube ... (perhaps it exists for free on the internet, but i don't know how to find these things...)
By #410609 06,Sep,15 14:14
I can't help. I've only seen it on the movie channels and if they are airing the unedited version it is about 4 hrs long. But it doesn't seem that long. IMO its worth searching for.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,15 14:18 other posts 
I will! And thanks for the suggestion!
By #23212 06,Sep,15 19:45
Leo, I used my Roku box to search for 'Das Boot'. There are 3 versions available in the USA at least: An 'R' rated one, and unrated one, and a 'Director's Cut' one. They vary from 2 1/2 hours to 4 1/2 hours depending on which. Amazon appears to have 2 of the versions, VUDU also, and several other places, all for watching on TVs. Perhaps you can find a version where you are.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Sep,15 07:41 other posts 

By Sickboy [Ignore] 04,Sep,15 15:43 other posts 
Talking about gangster films, which are you favourites?
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Ps can't wait to see the new Krays film!
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Your*......just noticed my mistake!!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Sep,15 17:06 other posts 
My favorite gangster film is "The Trials of Henry Kissinger"
By mr_blue [Ignore] 05,Sep,15 08:23 other posts 
Goodfellas,The Departed, to start with... Layer Cake is a fav.. Lock stock,Snatch..are they gangster movies though ? are pikeys gangster
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Scarface...Pulp Fiction....
By Sickboy [Ignore] 05,Sep,15 13:33 other posts 
I was thinking the same can they be classed as gangster films! Luv Snatch ( Tyrone you fat Bastard!) . Laycake is fucking awesome ( there is word on the grape vine that they might make a number 2!) Also what about Rise of the footsoldier?........or Oldish one's Boyz in da hood, Juice??
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Also liked American Gangster,
By #204766 05,Sep,15 20:28
The departed is a remake of infernal affairs
By mr_blue [Ignore] 05,Sep,15 23:31 other posts 
By #410609 06,Sep,15 02:39
Goodfellas, Casino, and The Good the Bad and the Ugly are three movies that I've seen dozens of times each but everytime I stumble across them I'm stuck watching them again for the next three hours.

By #491031 05,Sep,15 23:54
YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN is one of the few movies that will make me laugh every time I watch it. MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL is also on that very short list.
By #410609 06,Sep,15 02:31
Gene Wilder is amazing in that film. The scene where the blind man invites in the monster is classic. Marty Feldman's Igor is hilarious, who can forget Abby Normals brain!Monty Python is comedy genius. Who else could come up with the killer rabbits and the "horses" in that film. Thx for mentioning those movies!

By mr_blue [Ignore] 05,Sep,15 23:29 other posts 
Bourne movies are good...

I like dumbass movies too...Kickass was pretty funny....Anyone seen 'Crank' ?....fucking dumb as fuck,but so funny...

By #410609 31,Aug,15 23:58
I haven't seen a Quentin Tarantino film yet that I didn't like. "Reservoir Dogs", "Pulp Fiction", "D'jango Unchained", "Inglorious Bastards", "Kill Bill 1&2"...all good.
By #23212 03,Sep,15 00:46
I fully agree--his films are superb. 'Pulp Fiction' and 'Inglourious Basterds' are 2 of the finest movies I've seen in the last few years.
Although IMHO, not in the same league, don't forget 'From Dusk Till Dawn'.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Sep,15 01:30 other posts 
I actually don't like his films. But that's OK, we can still have a beer.
By #23212 03,Sep,15 01:37
Perhaps because his films rely upon a lot of crazy absurdity?

And I'd love to buy you a beer or two. How about this one:

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Sep,15 02:45 other posts 
Perhaps. His films make me a bit upset. Perhaps I don't understand them. Perhaps I simply don't like. .. But I'm not too mainstream. I've been known for not been able to like stuff that the majority of people found entertaining.

The ale looks good. Here, in Sweden, a simple bottle of beer is at least 10 dollars a bottle in a bar or restaurant .... and salaries are less than in the US. So I rarely drink anything when I'm out . Thanks for the offer. We can have it without watching Tarantino.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Sep,15 07:45 other posts 
I like the font they use. Of celtic origin. So Big Rock is from Alberta? I only know Triple Rock. They have reasonably priced beer and you should go there once (google it to see where it is).
By milesbferry [Ignore] 03,Sep,15 10:30 other posts 
Nobody ever mentions Jackie Brown. An excellent Tarantino film that can be watched again and again.
By #410609 05,Sep,15 03:58
I've never seen Jackie Brown or From Dusk til Dawn. Most of his movies have to be watched a couple times to really be appreciated. Pulp Fiction is a good example of that. It's pretty confusing the first time you watch it since events dont take place sequentially. Inglorious Bastards is also better after a couple viewings. He does an amazing job casting his movies also. Very talented recurring actors and actresses playing very different characters.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Sep,15 08:34 other posts 
One of my most favorite actors is Daniel Auteuil.
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No reaction on Daniel Auteuil? I assure you he's a superb actor. Better than, what do you call him, Dennis Depp or something.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 03,Sep,15 10:34 other posts 
He's very good. I always think of Jean de Florette and Manon Des Sources. Which makes me think of Emmanuelle Beart.....
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Sep,15 17:22 other posts 

By #491031 03,Sep,15 14:18
I am a huge fan of Dunny Doors, Australian gay porn star. His first film, BABY GOT OUTBACK is a classic.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,15 15:07 other posts 

You need quit your day job and do stand up comedy!

By #204766 31,Aug,15 21:18
Horror movies are my favourite
By #358797 31,Aug,15 23:33
Ooooh. I loves me a good horror flick. Ever watched Cannibal Holocaust?
By #204766 31,Aug,15 23:38
Not yet have you seen the rec films
By #358797 01,Sep,15 00:29
Nope. i should though.
By #204766 01,Sep,15 01:41
Oh yes

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