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Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #311947 [Ignore] 13,Aug,15 11:14
Some times when I masturbate the Benny Hill theme song pops into my head. ?

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,Aug,15 06:47 other posts 
You're lucky. Nobody will find porn on your computer.
By #311947 14,Aug,15 12:27
Well,...I dont know about that!
By #472683 14,Aug,15 18:29
Right? I really need someone, who, when I die, will clean my computer so no one will know what a perv I was.
By #311947 15,Aug,15 06:35
There is a name for that but cant remember. Someone you trust that comes and cleans out all the sex toys and cool pervy stuff so that family doesnt have a heart attack when they sort through it all.

By #68656 13,Aug,15 12:44
That is "Yaketty Sax", the theme tune for the Benny Hill Show.

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And of course the obligatory chase scene.

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By #485312 13,Aug,15 13:28
throw in a few scantily clad women with their knickers falling off and you got a recipe for an orgasm *lix*
By #311947 14,Aug,15 06:22
By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,Aug,15 06:51 other posts 
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By #485312 14,Aug,15 09:30
now l cant get that song out of my head lol, or the vision of the people at the end of his shows *lix*
By #311947 14,Aug,15 12:26

By #485312 13,Aug,15 11:18
just don't start patting yourself on the back of the head while your humming it *lix*
By #311947 14,Aug,15 06:22

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