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A Question of Plagiarism

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

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Started by #303133 [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 01:27

"the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own." -- The Dictionary

Hardly a week goes by at SYD without someone accusing another member of posting web-derived pictures to their page and passing them off as their own. The membership becomes outraged at this sort of behavior and, because there are specific rules against posting photos you didn't take yourself, the "fakes" are inevitably kicked off the site.

Why, then, is it okay for members to post stories to their blogs which have been written by other people and subsequently stolen from the net and presented--without giving credit to the original creator--by an SYD member as their own writing?

Isn't stealing another guy's story and representing it as your own work just as bad as claiming that a pic of his cock is yours?
At the very least, it's just so fucking lame...

I am not mentioning any names here, but I am sure that astute SYD members can make an inspired guess as to whom I refer. (I am also pretty sure that the individual in question has no idea what "astute" means.)

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By #428387 25,Aug,14 08:48
Can I ask .Is copyright only applicable if a person reprints a book and tries to sell it for capital gain as there own work . So if the text is only being reprinted for academic or research purposes and no gain derived from it its okay.
By admin [Ignore] 25,Aug,14 11:57 other posts 
only registered users can see external links

By admin [Ignore] 25,Aug,14 08:28 other posts 
I don't wish to read all you wrote here, but regarding texts no one really cares about plagiarism or copyrights unless it's an entire book available for download or reading.

If I received legal complaints about texts, they mostly were about taking down false, private or defaming information. Like for example when some people love to post phone numbers and addresses of people they don't like on gay bulletin boards. Sometimes people ask to take down their own stories they shared willingly but then after years regret it. I don't remember seeing any actual copyright complaint about texts at all.
By #303133 25,Aug,14 09:49
Thanks for the reply, Admin.
Just as a point of clarification, though (if you don't mind my asking), why is there a distinction made here between stealing writing and stealing penis photos? Both are the property of someone else and are used without credit given or permission asked. Yet, posting web-derived pictures is often grounds for eviction from the site. Have there been actual threats of legal action from angry people who have had pics swiped?
By admin [Ignore] 25,Aug,14 10:27 other posts 
Well, "threats" come regularly, but I mostly ignore them, since they are usually not solid. No contact information, no explanation, just "take down those pics or I go to police". I've been many years in this business and I know how it works. Serious people do not send threats, they send DMCA letters. Police will most probably just laugh if someone really goes there with a matter like "I posted my junk on internet and someone stole the photo".

There is no distinction when it's about money. Commercial photo/video and books are both protected equally. As I said, if you post an entire book or a significant part of it this will be a violation. But there is a conception that is named "fair use" that allow limited usage of copyrighted material. Quotes, examples, humorous interpretation or other kinds of humor and etc. You can read an entire article only registered users can see external links

Also, you may notice from my first message, that redistribution of private information can be a subject of legal matter. But most of texts do not contain private info, while most of self-made nude pics are kinda private. Even if the person wants other people to see the pics, this person probably does not want that someone other claims they are theirs. It's more a matter of identity theft or some other kind of unfair use of personal data than of copyright violation.

Come on, it's all common sense. In this case I'm not inventing my rules, I only follow what bigger guys think and do.

By #303133 24,Aug,14 11:03
From RIGHTS FOR WRITERS by Mark Fowler:

“‘Can I Say My Blog Is Copyrighted?: The Basic Nuts and Bolts of Copyright Protection
A reader asks: ‘Can I say my blog is copyrighted? ‘"

“The short answer is "yes."

“Any "original work of authorship" is subject to copyright protection the moment that it is "fixed in any tangible medium of expression." For example, a love letter is instantaneously subject to copyright protection as it flows out beneath your fountain pen. Similarly, blogs readily qualify as copyrightable literary works (as long as they contain some of your own expression and not merely expression copied from others)… “

“You can therefore accurately say that your blog entries are "copyrighted" as soon as you write them. (Storage on a server or hard drive qualifies as a form of "fixation”) “

“Again, keep in mind that copyright registration is not a prerequisite for copyright protection.”
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Legally, then, posting another person's story without giving them credit...allowing people to believe that you actually wrote theft.
No different than posting a photo of some other guy's cock and pretending that it is yours.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,14 13:23 other posts 
Plagiarism is stealing

If any member is open and willing to understand what plagiarism is, they would realize that literary works have been reproduced here and not credited to the true author. But as the evaluation panel reviews and votes on members that upload and post copyrighted pictures, remember, 99% of those members are "regular" members. The other 1%, the premium paid and diamond members are routed directly to admin and it's my guess, nothing becomes of it. Sadly,there are double standards and apparently, a different of rules.

By #431354 23,Aug,14 10:02
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 10:13 other posts 
Ah, you read the question that I posed to Will and decided to use it here.

If I knew how to use the cut and paste option, which I'm sure my phone has but I do not know how to use, I could provide the link to 1986 pieces of plagiarized works of fantasy. Just sayin'.......
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 10:37 other posts 
wow, I'm so happy now that my King must be 1986 times "awarded"! God, I'm going to need help ...:
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 11:09 other posts 
kmad, Will makes a good point.

You and I are both active members of the evaluation panel and you have seen how many members have been referred and deleted because they have posted pictures and claimed them as their own. How is it any different when a member posts words that they didn't write therefore they don't own? There's really no difference, is there? We will not tolerate one member's actions yet tolerate another's? That's flawed logic.
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 11:19 other posts 
sure Bella, Wills point is very good, I'm just trying to put in this point and a bit of humor, read down my first comment here, please.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 11:31 other posts 
Oh kmad, I bet it's difficult to have a serious conversation with YOU!
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 11:36 other posts 
By #303133 23,Aug,14 12:26
In regard to the thread that was indicated, what the poster overlooked is that the topic clearly states that the OP (you) is proposing a guessing game in which participants will supply lyrics and others will try to "name that tune". It is implied from the start that all lyrics used are the creative property of the artists involved, and are not being represented as something that the SYD members have written themselves. The attribution of the lyrics is supplied when a correct guess is made. No plagiarism has occurred in this case.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 12:58 other posts 
That's really how I intended to represent the thread and luckily, that's how everyone has "played".

Yippee skippee! No harm, no foul! ( and I never coined that phrase, however I do not know who to give credit to.... )
By #431354 23,Aug,14 21:15
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 21:31 other posts 
Will did a spoiler alert and eluded to the fact that tonight's fantasy is going to feature a big black cock. Please don't disappoint those that read those blogs.
By #431354 23,Aug,14 21:46
baby a blog is a blog eat yur banana
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 21:57 other posts 
That makes absolutely no sense, even with the use of the emoticons!
By #354861 23,Aug,14 21:59
Neither does the point of posting this thread to begin with...but that's another story.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 22:24 other posts 
Really? Why would ANYONE think like that? Will makes a valid point, daily, members are referred to the evaluation panel for deletion because they have posted copyright pictures. Many of those that are referred are deleted because they don't delete the violating pictures OR they're just not fast enough and are voted out quickly by the voting members. If you are interested, MONTED has a link on his page.

How is plagiarizing any different? Surely you are aware that many artists have gone to court because someone has credited themselves with words or guitar riffs that are the same or very similar to something that they have ready recorded. So with that in mind, the question would be, when a member credits themselves with the literary work of someone else, how is that any different? I think that if you were open minded about the matter, you would agree, there's no difference.

There is a new member that posted in the GREAT SONGS/GREAT LYRICS thread. I commented something to the affect that he needs to be careful and he needs to establish some type of timeline that reflects he is the writer. In 2, 3, 10 years, he may hear his words on radio and realize that is something he wrote and he's not getting any credit for it.
By #303133 23,Aug,14 22:26
Are you saying that you don't UNDERSTAND the thread? Should I have used smaller words?
If you have nothing of value to contribute...besides your usual negativity and bitchiness...why not move along to the nearest "pissing at urinals" discussion? I am sure you would be much happier there...
By #354861 23,Aug,14 22:39
No, I'm saying that like always this post has nothing to do about whether it's right or wrong, it's about being a dick and carrying out personal vendettas against someone you don't get along with. Hence, your garbage is pointless.
By #303133 23,Aug,14 22:47
It actually DOES have something to do with whether it is "right or wrong". It actually poses that question waaaaay up there in the red writing.
Here, I'll repeat it for you:
"Why, then, is it okay for members to post stories to their blogs which have been written by other people and subsequently stolen from the net and presented--without giving credit to the original creator--by an SYD member as their own writing?"
You may have missed that part.
I ask again...If this "garbage is pointless", why are you wasting your ever so valuable time whining and belly-aching all over it?
That seems to be the very definition of pointless garbage, don't you think?
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

Never mind. I get it.
You drank the Kewl-Aid...
By #354861 23,Aug,14 22:59
I waste my time because everyone with knowledge of what goes on here knows what this is about. Same shit as it always is, which YOU obviously missed written up there in tiny black letters. This is about personal vendettas against someone you do not get along with. Never has this member left a comment of any kind that says it was written by them. THAT would be plagiarism.
By #415959 23,Aug,14 23:16
Please do not recklessly wield the "knowledge" pretense may hurt someone's brain stuff.

Your argument of a vendetta is irrelevant, in relation to your last statement. Regardless if the plagiarist recognizes him/herself or not, it is stealing.

By #354861 23,Aug,14 23:22
You wanna join the party now too? Fine. It is not stealing anything to republish something. It is only stealing if it is proclaimed to be your own. That has never been done.
By #303133 23,Aug,14 23:32
Where in hell did you learn that particular definition of plagiarism? Facebook?
By #354861 23,Aug,14 23:34
Nope. It is fact. If ANY word is changed from the original documentation, it is no longer plagiarism. Do some research smartass.
By #303133 23,Aug,14 23:50
(listen...just between you and doesn't really count as "research" if you are only repeating what your Overlord tells you to say.)

So, by"definition", if I post this:

“Once upon a midnight dreary, AS I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping..."

By changing the original text "while" to "as", I can now freely allow people to believe that I wrote Poe's THE RAVEN?

Wow! Look at me, folks! I'm a famous dead poet!
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,14 01:27 other posts 
So you wrote The Cask of Amontillado? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!!' That, for real, is my all time favorite scary story! Now I understand why you use Will instead of Edgar! Edgar is so old fashion and it kinda sounds like "boo-gar", and boogers are really yucky!
By #170523 23,Aug,14 22:07
How long do you believe that we will listen to you about, members attack yourself and talk dirt about you,..when you can look in the mirror and see how the problem starts. I like you but you are different then the one I talked to years ago
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 22:26 other posts 
What the eff does your comment have to do with plagiarism? Are your eyes blurred from whatever was on your menu tonight?
By #170523 23,Aug,14 22:45
Well,..yes you are correct with your comment but I felt and this is purely my own feeling,you were taking a hard approach to JustWill and he is my friend and I will defend him as I once did you(many times).
By #303133 23,Aug,14 22:53
My friend, I really do appreciate that you have my back, but bella was being supportive of my point.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 23:48 other posts 
Thanks, JustWill! I frickken know that my punctuation sucks but my thoughts and words are clear. It's really sad that some folks are trying to stir something up that isn't there......
By #170523 23,Aug,14 22:47
Really,How can you add to your comments without a time notation. You have power and that is what you crave.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 23:37 other posts 
Why don't you quit before you embarrass yourself any further.?
By #415959 23,Aug,14 23:48
She simply revised her post quickly, therefore no time stamp. She has no super powers here.

Stop being a pompous putz.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 23:52 other posts 
Revised? I may have added a word or corrected my spelling, but calling me a pompous putz? Stick a tampax up your twat. 2rude!

By #303133 24,Aug,14 00:35
An observation:
Several people have posted on this thread.
All but one of them are posting their own thoughts and ideas.
That other individual is just re-posting things that...SURPRISE!...other people wrote.
Take a look and see if you can guess who that is...
--------------------------------------- added after 37 minutes

Those bad habits are so hard to break, I suppose.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,14 00:44 other posts 

By #303133 23,Aug,14 15:34
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 15:43 other posts 
Did you draw that?
By #303133 23,Aug,14 15:52
By posting it under my own name, it is implied that I did.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 16:05 other posts 
The colors are a little drab but it's still nice! Is that your grandma?
By #303133 23,Aug,14 16:14
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 16:20 other posts 
Well, for the years I've interacted with you, you've maintained that you are gay. Surely you didn't think I was going to ask if that is your girlfriend!
By #303133 23,Aug,14 16:32
I have no idea who she is, really.
I just saw her portrait hanging around on the internet and decided to claim it as my own.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,14 20:33 other posts 
To JustWill, I bet when you visit the Secretary of State office and you pull #79 and you're standing there almost 20 minutes and they're just serving #52, when they call #53 and nobody moves towards the counter or answers, you call out "HERE!"!

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