![](/avatars/303/303133.jpg) | pla·gia·rism
"the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own." -- The Dictionary
Hardly a week goes by at SYD without someone accusing another member of posting web-derived pictures to their page and passing them off as their own. The membership becomes outraged at this sort of behavior and, because there are specific rules against posting photos you didn't take yourself, the "fakes" are inevitably kicked off the site.
Why, then, is it okay for members to post stories to their blogs which have been written by other people and subsequently stolen from the net and presented--without giving credit to the original creator--by an SYD member as their own writing?
Isn't stealing another guy's story and representing it as your own work just as bad as claiming that a pic of his cock is yours?
At the very least, it's just so fucking lame...
I am not mentioning any names here, but I am sure that astute SYD members can make an inspired guess as to whom I refer. (I am also pretty sure that the individual in question has no idea what "astute" means.) |
Isn't taking the words right out of someone's mouth stealing ?
You thief....
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