I would never send a pic to a woman without getting to know her where even then only if its requested. Women like to get to know a person and are not as `visual` as men. Their Preference is conversation.
I think you will find that any unsolisted action will cause a problem in one way or another.
Most of the members here and just nomrmal folks and understanding till one cross's that proverble line,My advice would be to contact the indavidule and develope some sort of repore prior to sending photos,on the other had most do appreciat comments on their photos,
Just my take on what happens here over the past several years of being here
Yes, I agree with Ray's response. There are a number of female members that by sending an unsolicited picture, would be offended and possibly ban you. Then there are others that would drink from your fountain. Good luck finding out which is which..........
I prefer to get a simple 'hi' msg first than a pic. If we chat for bit and they send a pic I might comment on it, but it's also nice manners to ask first. Especially since you haven't chatted before. That's just my opinion
Most of the members here and just nomrmal folks and understanding till one cross's that proverble line,My advice would be to contact the indavidule and develope some sort of repore prior to sending photos,on the other had most do appreciat comments on their photos,
Just my take on what happens here over the past several years of being here
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