A shifty, scheming person that will do whatever they need to do to escape whatever they fear in the moment. In Internet forums they are often regarded as a fake, a poser, or a liar. They often attempt to extract information from you to share with others and/or use it against you. A Fuckweasel often uses shiftiness to evade an obligation, commitment or responsible duty.
Oh, that's what they are called here in the civilian world. I have been calling them a shit-bird. Does the Fuckweasel mating call sound like a spastic colon exploding in a truck stop restroom. If so, it could be related to a shit-bird.
You're the member that posted a topic titled Fuckweasel and defined a fuckweasel as being a fake, a poser, a liar. Someone who tries to extract information. Who are the fuckweasels?
Not in any way whatsoever intended in that regard, my friend.
Fuckweasel's and Fuckmole's are completely indifferent from one another.
Wait, Fuckmole's have not been officially defined yet.
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