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Personal hygiene?

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Started by #301038 [Ignore] 04,Feb,13 03:13
After reading that "A guy has to wash his uncut cock, like every other day", it got me wondering... is every other day was too much for this lady? So what is normal for a circumcised guy? Once a week before church?

I shower twice a day, at least. Also, before and after working out. I noticed that if I shower before, and wash my stink of the day off, I don't stink nearly as bad after workout, as I would without a shower. I also shower before and after sex. Also, after cooking meals, cause it makes my body smell like food, and I don't like that. If I'm at home, I wash my butt every time I use the bathroom... I have a shover hose, so I don't even need to take all my clothes off, just the bottom.

I brush my teeth, floss and rinse after each meal, or at least twice a day. And wash my hair every other day if I don't workout, or every day after the workout...

The longest I went without a shower, was 48 hours. A flight with 5 layovers from Hawaii to Kiev, Ukraine. Another one, was 36 hours, our move from TX to NV... it was horrible. Now, whenever I drive to TX, I stop in Denver, or Albuquerque overnight...

To prevent my skin from drying from frequent washing, or chlorine in the pool, I always use Shea Moisture Organic Raw Shea Butter Baby Oil Rub, which is amazing... If you want to know how I smell, that would be it. Walgreens and Target carry that in US, look in Baby Bath aisle.

How often do you shower, wash your butt, hair, brush your teeth? What's normal for you? What was the longest you went without showering?

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By #2331 07,Feb,13 09:22
Why dont you just boil yourself????
By #23212 07,Feb,13 19:50
But there are much less painful ways to treat OCD.

By #7976 04,Feb,13 19:26
As for me and my wife, a daily shower is mandatory. I can't imagine taking a shower without washing all of myself including my penis and my rear. After sweating all day in a pair of jeans there's no way my cock would be clean or refreshing to smell or taste. As for how, I have what's called a loose circumcision. I pull the foreskin back and wash it inside and out. For all practical purposes it's the same motion as masturbation only with soap and without an erection.

As for your last question, once in Vietnam I went for about two weeks without a shower. I'd was my hands and face in a stream and occasionally dry brush my teeth but that was it. By the end of that patrol we all were pretty rank.

Cheers. And, good question by the way.
By #301038 05,Feb,13 04:14
great answer! Thanks you!
By #7976 05,Feb,13 22:41
Your welcome Darlin...

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 05,Feb,13 19:03 other posts 
I shower ATLEAST twice a day but mostly three times a day,Have a shower out on my deck that is used every day during warm weather to shower,Love showering out doors!I have shoulder length hair and a full beard, so they both get washed every time I shower. I work condtruction so I tend to get dirty at times and to be honest I **** it. Some times if it is available I will rince off with a hose at the customers house. I am not a big collogne type of person, I much rather use a good body lotion or Johnsons baby oil, Servers two porposes, Keep's my skin nice and smooth (as I shave my whole body) and it has a plesant aroma! A clean aroma!Cant stand being dirty at all!! Hell I even change my bed linnins every other day!

By #220845 05,Feb,13 04:20
Couple times a day

By #41858 04,Feb,13 18:11
Yeah, shower in the morning, sometimes at night, or always before sex... I like shower gels... Wash hair at same time... Brush and floss twice a day at least...

By #201155 04,Feb,13 05:08
Having read all of the above, Peach, I conclude that you must smell as wonderfully fragrant as you look in your photos. Me? I have a bath and wash my (remaining) hair at least once a day (we Brits aren't in to showers as much as we probably ought to be) and twice if I've been doing anything particularly physical. (Such as sex – but then sadly I don't get a lot of that at the moment.) Teeth twice a day – and I keep my backside squeaky-clean, too! Longest without showering/bathing? In recent memory, probably three days when on a camping trip in the wilds

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Show It Off