![](/avatars/0/1.jpg) | I added moderators to the groups. I have no way of testing it fully, so it may be seriously screwed in some points. Please report all the problems to me.
Moderators are assigned automatically. On new groups the creator becomes the moderator. On old groups I did not store who created them, regrettably, nor when members joined them, so they are assigned mostly by member rating. If the moderator do not attend the group for 1 week his rights will be automatically cancelled and another moderator will be assigned.
Supposedly, as a moderator you can transfer moderatorship to other members, thus loosing the rights. You can delete other members messages in the group. You can kick members from the group and ban them from joining again (or remove those bans if you wish). You can make the group "by invitations only" and send invitations to members you chose, other members won't be able to join in this case.
I repeat, all or some of that may be working incorrectly. So if you notice any malfunctions, please report them to me. |
Question: How long will posted messages remain on the group "wall" before they go to internet limbo? Will the the group posts act like forum threads, or will they vanish after a certain time?
Please advise....and thanks Rick
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