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Frosty The Pervert

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #325829 [Ignore] 06,Dec,12 00:04
Some Dirty Holiday Ditty's!

Frosty the pervert
in a trench coat he did go
to the shopping mall to expose his dick and balls made of snow

frosty the pervert
all the men he liked to watch
his dick did grow when he packed snow
on his cold and icy crotch

there must have must have been some magic
when he stroked his frozen meat
cause frosty started moaning loud
and it began to sleet

frosty the pervert
was as glad as he could get
he threw away his corn cob pipe
and lit a ciggerette

frosty the pervert
didnt want to go to jail
he began to run
while dripping cum
and the cops picked up his trail

down to the village
his dick melting in his hand
running here and there
all around the square
yelling "catch me if you can."

they chased him down the streets of town
right to a vice squad cop
who shoved a night stick right up his ass
and frosty screamed "dont stop OOOO!!"

frosty the pervert
was locked up that very day
but he did not cry
as he waved good bye knowing he'd be back someday

beating his meat
all over the streets
look at frosty go

sliding his hands
all over his glands
his cum, as white as snow

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By #487013 28,Nov,16 21:11

By routemaster [Ignore] 10,Jan,14 21:37 other posts 
Frosty the snowman

With a dick as hard as ice

All the gay men gathered round and sucked

And agreed it tasted nice

But then along came summer

The hardness went from Frosty's prick

Till one day in temps of a hundred degrees

The damn thing melted quick

All the gay men they were sorry

For Frosty was no more

But then along came winter once again

And they sucked him like before

Poor Frosty had a ****

He couldn't shoot any cum

But the gay men still bent over to let

Frosty fuck them up the bum

The men were glad of winter

When Frosty got reborn

So they stuck him in a freezer

And now he stars in porn

Now his dick stays hard each season

And he never melts away

Frosty's glad he lives forever at last

And so happy to be gay

* * * * *
--------------------------------------- added after 60 seconds

* * * * s e c r e t

What's so wrong about that word? Who makes these daft rules?
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

I made this up off the top of my head just now - was it worth it???!!!!

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Dec,12 00:16 other posts 
Such a creative ( and weird ) mind. Do you ever find that your lips want to sing the words above when you're actually singing the real Frosty the Snowman song?
By #325829 06,Dec,12 00:24
I cant take credit for this, but yeah I'm always singing dirty or perverted lyrics to xmas carols lol.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Dec,12 07:16 other posts 
You must be a hoot at a holiday party after a couple of cocktails! No telling what you would do.........
By #23212 08,Dec,12 01:06
Several times lately, in stores, I've had to stop myself from singing out:

'Blue balls, blue balls, it's Dollar Night at the titty club' (credits to 'Larry The Cable Guy').

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Dec,12 00:19 other posts 
Speaking of weird......look at what is considered "Similar Topics:"

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