| In another forum thread, a valued and outspoken SYD member brings up a point about the rise of "silly and pointless discussions...usually metaphorical, illogical, pointless and have no real purpose or topic" in the forum. (I have the greatest of respect for this individual and consider them to be a friend. I do not want this topic to be perceived as an "attack" by anyone, so I am not including that member's name.)
Is it possible that there is a valid point here? Is the "silliness" a detriment to the integrity of the forum? Is it disruptive and/or unwelcome?
As the originator of many of the threads/posts this subject refers to, I would welcome feedback from any Forum-folk on the matter...
PS: I am not posting this as a way of getting my ego stroked. I am seriously trying to open a discussion about the merits (or lack there of) of silliness in the forum. |
As far as detrimental to the integrity of the forum, this site is called Show Your Dick/Cunt, anyone surprised that Literature, Philosophy and rocket brain surgery are not the usual topics for discussion in this forum our painfully stupid.
To elaborate I do not see what is wrong with having a bit of fun on here in the form of our "illogical" and usually just plain silly discussions. I do not think it is anyone's place to pass judgment on the harmless fun of others.
To conclude I will answer your questions directly: No and No
P.s. I think it would be best if we stick to our fun and the particular member with an objection can stick to whatever it is that he does.
1. Damn, looks like I have to scrap the bit about rocket brain surgery I've been working on!
2. It seems that it would be much better to give a crap than to receive one...
+salmon and cream cheese cant be any more of an onslaught on the system than constant intake of beans
FYI: I AM a rocket scientist, yet still just a perv like everybody else on this site. Just because I flash my dick on the interwebs doesn't mean I can't discuss the subtle nuances of human life, philosophy and the arts (or Farts).
I think if you actually read the silly “harmless fun“ threads which Will, Bella, I etc have bean envolved in, you will find an absence of **** in our discussions.
It was an ill thought out attack and warrants an apology.
The level of gutter conversation such as the cock rateing and other more disgusting subjects like i-ncest have always been here simpy because of the nature of this site.
I do not believe that this forum was ever the centre for intellectual discussion on the internet...
I do not care about something i believe to be fictitious.
"nature of this site" comment explained: I think that a site named Show Your Dick/Cunt is unlikely to yield the most high brow or intellectual form of communication between its members.
I expect the user base mainly to be interested in sexually explicit content, which it is, i am not surprised by this. It is simply not a site which lends itself to intellectual conversation.
When i come on here, usually i am seeking a bit of fun jokey conversation with the people i know on this site. If i want to talk politics or philosophy i don not log onto SYD.
Is that any clearer? Sorry for dragging on quite so much.
If you read and understood what i have said you would know that I did not suggest that people on this site are incapable of being intellectual.
I said that this is probably not the place people come when they want intellectual discussion.
The crowd at a football game are most likely going to be talking about football not literature, science etc. This does not mean that outside that environment, they do not talk about those subjects.
In the same way i think that people on this site come here to talk sex or joke around. Again this This does not mean that they cannot/do not talk more intellectually of this site.
P.s That wasn't patronising it was insulting. (This, by the way was patronising)
"its simply not a site that lends it self to intellectual conversation"...again,in your opinion,why not?
"if i want to talk politics or philosophy i don(sic)not log on to SYD"..so were do you go,if not here?
p.s.next time may i suggest,out of kindness toward you,you might like to try p.s.,PS or P.S.now that patronising.
I think that the naming of a website will dictate what sought of user interaction will happen. So a site named Show Your Dick/Cunt will encourage conversation of a sexual nature.
Also there is the actual basis of this site which is to show yourself sexually; again encouraging sexual interaction.
just like a tech forum on the internet encourages discussions about technology (obviously) more than conversations about cheese.
Where do I go if I want to talk philosophy: My best source for philosophical/ political discussion is a good friend of mine from school who currently studies History and Philosophy at university.
I do not belong to a website that caters to those particular needs/wants.
Hope this helps you understand those comments a bit better
Just my humble oppinion
Those two statements of mine basically say the same thing the difference being that one is more tarted up and the other has bean broken down for ease of understanding.
Also you do not have to be Omniscient to read a public forum or a public chat.
As for the use of the expression "high brow" and the word "intellectual" I would say that Google is your friend. If you don't know what a word means look it up
I expect you will comment on how patronising that comment was but when you say something stupid please expect to get mocked.
If you don't need those two looked up for you then why where you so confused by my using of them?
And I so very sorry by my use of "bean" instead of been you must have found it very confusing.
You are both friends of mine, but stfu.
Hook up on a PM or something.
P.s have some pie
The Forum, in my opinion, should be the place where folks discuss issues near and dear to their hearts but aren't personal. Topics such as; "Why do we care about size?", "Gloryhole Experiences", or 'At what age did you have your first gay experience?" are relevant to everyone or at least, everyone has an opinion on them that they may choose to discuss if they please.
Well, that's my opinion on this topic anyway.
To consider supressing certain ideas is to me, akin to say supressing small cocks or overly large tits. Live and let discuss!
If it is whom I think it is, those words are too kind, I would personally use the old Australian colloquialism of "galah" to best describe the individual.
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