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Im a straigjt male but always wanted to try cock. Anyone else?

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Started by #272197 [Ignore] 09,Oct,12 19:37
Im a straight dude till deathh no matter what people say. But ive always wondered what itd be like to suck a cock and lick balls etc! Im not attracted to guys mentally or physically in any way besides ttheir huge cock ;;o I really wanna try it nd see what I think anyone feel this way ;p

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By #46335 13,Oct,12 10:40
You are bi-curious, so am I. Never tied it but the thought is exciting.

By bella! [Ignore] 12,Oct,12 11:06 other posts 
vblob look at all the comments that your 5th thread received on the subject that you're straight but you want to lick balls and suck dick. Are you convinced that you're not straight but bi or semi gay?
By #303133 12,Oct,12 12:03
Wait! Adding "semi-gay" to the list of possible orientations is only going to confuse things more! Does this mean that he can be semi-straight? What about semi-bi?
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Oct,12 12:13 other posts 
JustWill, vblob is already confused......he's confused on his orientation snd confused about how many times he's posted a thread about being straight.

By stroker11 [Ignore] 12,Oct,12 09:49 other posts 
you are totally semi-gay....
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Oct,12 10:58 other posts 
Now that's spot on.

By #269409 12,Oct,12 07:40
Hahahaha awesome coments

By #243908 12,Oct,12 02:44
i feel the same way! i would never date a guy but i do love the thought have messing around with a nice cock!

By bella! [Ignore] 09,Oct,12 19:43 other posts 
Geez vblob! Wasn't the interaction and responses you received on your other 4 threads on the same topic enough to validate you and your "desires"? If you need to reread them and can't find them I will be happy to send them to you. Enough, please.
By #303133 09,Oct,12 22:25
I finally understand, bella! He keeps saying "I am a straight guy till death" for a reason. It is a religious thing! He doesn't believe in Heaven. When he dies, he will go to a giant gay bar in the sky. Apparently, after death, all bets are off as far as the gay stuff goes!
By CreativeOne [Ignore] 09,Oct,12 23:33 other posts 
Now that is too funny "JustWill" ... thanks for the laugh !!!
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,12 00:25 other posts 
C'mon Creative One, perhaps if you ask vblob to not open and open and open.....the same topic days apart, maybe he will listen to you.
By CreativeOne [Ignore] 11,Oct,12 21:52 other posts 
Sooooooooo True "bella" ,

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