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Pee shy?

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #183935 [Ignore] 16,Feb,12 13:22
I've always been pee shy, and always used to use a cubicle rather than a urinal if the restroom was busy. Over the last year or two, i've been trying to conquer this problem. I love using urinals, and can normally piss stood next to someone. I'm at a truckstop now, and have just had a piss at a urinal. Was going well until a cute blond guy stood next to me, whipped his meat out, and pissed away with his meat hands behind his head to give everyone a good view me his massive uncut cock. I'm left standing there with a huge boner, and couldn't keep the flow going. He finished off, zipped up and winked at me, them walked off.

Anyone else trying to overcome pee shyness?

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By bigone21 [Ignore] 23,Jul,13 17:38 other posts 
i'm not piss-shy, i can piss anywhere, anytime! i always choose the middle one of three urinals! seen and be seen, love to just watch and guys looking at mine!

By xdjxx1 [Ignore] 19,Jul,13 19:21 other posts 
I'm another person who used to get shy at the urinals. I think it started when I was a young teen standing next to older guys who were more developed and considerably larger.

I occasionally struggle even now, although usually do what I went in there for in the end.Even when I feel as though I'm bein
g watched.

Urinals are a great place for comparison. Growing to enjoy seeing where I fit in the size order even though I'm usually down the lower end!

By #41858 01,Jul,13 20:58
Was pee shy when younger because of being uncircumcised and dint want anyone to see that, but now I don't care

By #183935 01,Jul,13 13:13
Grrr! Its started happening agian. Mostly empty line of urinals, 2 foreign drivers stood next to each other at one end chatting to each other while they piss. I leave a 4 urinal gap between us, and nothing. And the more I try, I just start getting a boner. I can hear 2 guys kissing, and I've been drinking monster energy, which always makes me need to go. Really annoying! So I walked back to my lorry and pissed up the wheel instead
--------------------------------------- added after 46 seconds

That should say pissing, not kissing.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 01,Jul,13 20:39 other posts 
A few points.

First, that's an hilarious typo!

Second, if you could hear them pissing (not kissing!), didn't that get your piss to start flowing? It certainly does for most men.

Third, hearing the piss flow gave you a boner! Really, man, are you into water sports? Not that there is anything wrong with that. Pissing on someone else and/or being pissed on is a nice, healthy, wholesome activity.

Finally, you went back to your lorry and pissed. Why didn't you just do that in the first place? When given the option of pissing out-of-doors or pissing in a men's room I'd opt for the outdoor setting every time. It's fun to whip it out outside in the sunshine with the breezes blowing and let the piss flow.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 20,Jun,13 12:19 other posts 
As your comment indicates, men who start out as pee shy can indeed overcome that shyness. Once they do, they often become the most blatant and open pissers, anywhere, any time and no matter who's around.

By bigone21 [Ignore] 18,Apr,12 14:38 other posts 
i'll piss anywhere, anytime! and i don't mind people being around!

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