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Guys, which hand do you use to wank. and what is your favourite grip

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Started by #200582 [Ignore] 21,Jan,12 06:15
Personally, i change hands frequently when wanking and my favourite grip is perhaps a right hand full hand, with my thumb closed over my forsking so that it slides back and forth over the glans. It's invariably the grip i'm using as I come off.

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By #595788 16,Sep,19 02:45
[deleted image]r

As shown. Being cut, I stroke my shaft up and down, catching my corona ridge with my thumb and forefinger till I cum.

By jumbu [Ignore] 15,Sep,19 23:22 other posts 
left hand and near the top and shake it back and forth

By #463848 08,Sep,19 09:54
Two fingers and a thumb; mainly right handed unless using mouse. Only very occasionally will I use a full hand grip as my cock is only 5 ins.

By #579885 08,Sep,19 05:56
This one: [deleted image]

By #588701 15,May,19 18:13
anal fleshlight nice and tight..or a wank with a condom forskin pulled back slip a condom on can wank for hours

By #518391 15,May,19 04:46
I used to use my right hand exclusively but have trained my left hand so I can work the mouse with my right at the same time. Different hands give different sensations on my knob..
[deleted image]

By #583549 15,May,19 04:38
Left hand!

By #463848 15,May,19 03:46
The length of time I wank, I need both hands alternately. Also, if I am using the mouse at my desk then the left is in use. When I was a boy and things moved very quickly, I didn't need to change hands- my right hand was the master.

By #218130 21,Jan,12 06:44
Mostly left, on occasions right.

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