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100 limit of friends

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Started by #17515 [Ignore] 11,Sep,11 19:42
why this limit?
is this site going to be paysite very soon?

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By #38932 05,Oct,11 19:57
I liked not having a friend limit. I got tons of friend requests and private messages, and I didn't have to worry about spending points to watch videos. Now that the limit is in place, I have to worry about who I add.

By admin [Ignore] 11,Sep,11 21:54 other posts 
Say thanks to those who put 10'000 members in their friends and then make database server hanging up. And the server is no joke, it's raid-10 with 12MB of database cache memory.

I would not pay attention to this, but since normal server operation was affected I looked into it and found out that many members put thousands of other members in their friends. I don't know why they do this, but I can't imagine someone who can remember over 50 friends. And if you don't remember who the person is, how the hell can you put them into your friends? So I put a limit of 100 members which is more than enough for any reasonable application. And if you have some other non-reasonable purposes, you have to pay for it.

Premium members have limit of 500 and diamond - 5000.
By MoeJoe [Ignore] 12,Sep,11 04:38 other posts 
I think most of us put them in our friends list so that we can view their videos without spending a lot of points.
By admin [Ignore] 12,Sep,11 06:21 other posts 
But it does not work this way. You do not spend points only if the person who uploaded it put you into friends list, not if you put them into yours.
By MoeJoe [Ignore] 12,Sep,11 06:27 other posts 
Yes I understand that, but when I ran across someone with videos that required a large amount of points to view, I would add them so that they could see my videos and in hopes that they would return the favor. I would prefer to just eliminate my friends list entirely and just view people's pics from time to time and not participate in trying to determine who my friends should be etc.....
By MoeJoe [Ignore] 12,Sep,11 05:44 other posts 
Is there a way that we can delete our entire friends list with one click, if so I would prefer to do that and not even bother with a friends list. Also are our "Favorites" files going to be subject to a limit as well??
By admin [Ignore] 12,Sep,11 08:51 other posts 
No. Favorites does not create complex sql queries.
By #17515 12,Sep,11 07:09
sorry to disturb you, is there no other way to increas the memory like setting a maximum of pics members can upload, i'm sure that all the members will appreciate this more then increasing the friends list. maybe a maximum of 100 pics by each member, will take the memory you need on server more down then friends list . thanks to you if you're willing to thinck about this
By #124665 12,Sep,11 08:45
100 pic maximum would be lame, I add a couple pics ever few weeks n it took me a long time to get to 100 pics and tho many ppl dont look past a members first page many other ppl will and if youre here for a long time n keep posting its not fair your old ones should get bumped off, comments n views along with it.. Id rather see pics and vids rather then a long list of "friends" that I've added just cuz they added me that I never chat with anyway You wanna see a members vid for free ASK them to friend you or pay for the upgrade and theyre all free. If anyone wants to see my vids just ASK and I will friend you. I dont just add every random member that adds me with out ASKING or chatting some first (unless you have really awesome pics). I'll talk to anyone even if they dont add me I dont care But no one is gonna chat with all 1000 friends on thier list Some are deleting me now n I understand.. I may be off the most befriended list soon n if so oh well, it was cool I made it there but it is what it is.. The list will be full of only chicks soon I know where my friends here are, we'll chat from time to time Have some DECENCY, this isnt a popularity contest! Or is it?
By YellyBelly [Ignore] 13,Sep,11 22:31 other posts 
perhaps - maybe you can create for every member a "memory-list"(" notice-list), without all the links you have now,(exp. your friends newest pics,a.s.o.)

therefor: only to find a hot, sexy members page again, to see good pics again or to look if there are some new pics there.

- only to notice the name,(Maybe one photo to choose) for finding it again, shortly, and not seen for everyone, like the "favourites" now,
so everyone, who visited a hot members page and he wants to remember or to visit later again can put the name of this list to click it on again
By #11237 19,Sep,11 16:45
I have been on this site for a long time and have approx 500 friends! If I understand admin correct this causes a problem with the server when hitting "friends recent uploads"! Since this limit was introduced it seems that this funktion is only updated once a week! I click the button about once a day but it allways shows the same result! In addition it shows 13 pages going back to almost 1 month!

Why cant it just consentrate on pics uploaded during the past week only (irrespected if its "friend" of mine or not???

In general the site has improved a lot over the past few years with good features being introduced! Unfortunately it seems to be going backwards now! I am watching these developments closely and will decide soon if I delete all my "friends" from the list and start new, or if I delete my entire profile and go to another site!

Paying for this or facebook or any other social network site is not an option for me - out of principal!

By edwardren [Ignore] 17,Sep,11 10:42 other posts 
I hope 200 limit!

By #85576 11,Sep,11 23:16
Couldnt we have a warning ..instead if just applying Ur new rule whenever u feel like it?
By #85576 11,Sep,11 23:16
Of not if *
By #85576 11,Sep,11 23:17
So the ones in grey r gonna receive a deleted message? Then we will have to explain 200 times why it happened ?
By admin [Ignore] 12,Sep,11 08:54 other posts 
THIS IS a warning. It's not like I just dumped all your friends. Gray friends will stay if you do not delete them. But you cannot see if they are on-line nor can you see their recent uploads.
By langer011 [Ignore] 13,Sep,11 06:37 other posts 
Hui, I fully understand your pressure and szenarios. I would have wished however that this would have been exercised with a decent explanation and guide to help you rather than by surprise. Anyway, the world does not crash, a restart is a surprising new challenge finding a lot of other nice guys......and thanks anyway for proving that platform
By fancyabit [Ignore] 13,Sep,11 22:06 other posts 
I know why ppl keep adding more and more ppl on their page site, because its the ultimate compliment when you add them as friends, and also its only polite to add someone when they've added you.
By #22155 17,Sep,11 09:48
this isn't a very good warning, admin. i hadn't logged in for a while, and today when i do, i have tons of deleted friends, and im wondering "what happened?" you should have given us a date by which we needed to delete the number of friends over 100, or you would do it on that day. and that date should have been a couple of weeks out...

By #124665 15,Sep,11 21:15
Doesnt everyone get enough FREE shit on here already? Those of us that pay get little more but it's not necessarily the benefits, which are few that we pay for it's also to help keep this unique site running so we can continue to be here and enjoy the place, ALL of us, friends or not. All the bitching by those who want everything for free including a stupid list remind me of street beggars who aren't willing to contribute anything to society no matter how fucked it may be. Oi! Get a fucking job or get the fuck out! Or go watch free porn vids in your parents basement or whatever you do. Fucking slag offs! Oh the violence!
By #49676 16,Sep,11 07:45
Well said Decent. I still have deletions pouring in daily, but I'm over it. The dust will settle. Why don't you all imagine that the current rules of the site were there when you first joined. Like "hi, welcome to There is a limit of 100 friends. Enjoy your stay"

It's really not so bad. An administrator can do whatever he pleases really. He already provides a great service, a little belt tightening is expected.

This reminds me of when people start complaining that their favorite band releases an album that they don't like. Oh the horror!

Anyway, I feel like a fully engaged member of the site - my wife and I have a great time - and it's totally free. I accept the ads and the bandwidth limits, and all other rules, because.... Wait for it.... It's free!
By #124665 16,Sep,11 08:06
Oh the horror!

By #164428 13,Sep,11 05:43
I wish people didn't have to be rude! Another deleted member banned me and put a rude comment for one of my pics. Sore losers!
By #59855 13,Sep,11 14:15
From Matt's Wife: That is why our pics are private and I will not change that.
By #164428 13,Sep,11 16:34
By #111678 13,Sep,11 18:10
Dear Mrs. Matt...I understand and COMPLETELY agree with your reasoning for the privatization of your photos; but you also know that many of your most loyal friends stood with you when such people were rude to you. Please understand that it seems a slap in the face that you don't support them. To some it may not matter, as they have friends to delete also...but some never will be that popular.
By #59855 13,Sep,11 18:26
From Matt's Wife: I know Artsy but triming down to one hundred is very difficult.....nay impossible.
By #111678 13,Sep,11 20:36
PS...still love ya!!!
By #124665 14,Sep,11 22:00
Slit just face it, WE SUCK!
By #111678 15,Sep,11 19:33
We just don't rate like we once did, I guess!!! Mrs. Matt will one day come to her senses and beg us to be her friends again...won't she? Please say she will... [Luv ya always, Mrs!!!]
By #124665 15,Sep,11 21:03
If we can't rate in a list of 100 slit we are truly fucked!

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 14,Sep,11 04:25 other posts 
ADMIN: If the real culprit behind the degradation of the system is "Your Friends Recent Uploads" with it's Query search of the whole database everytime someone hits Refresh, then why don't you just eliminate that feature instead of having all of this confusion going on here. I think you are going to have the same problem the membership grows.....just a suggestion.
By admin [Ignore] 14,Sep,11 13:47 other posts 
I was going to do this until I saw how many friends some members add. You see, 95% of members here have less than 100 friends. Yet some of those 5% add thousand of members as their friends. It's against the idea of a "friend". I will never believe that someone can remember 2000 contacts. Why call them friends then?

You see, I get constant complaints about so-called bullies. Sometimes it's about Monted, sometimes it's about Ererready sometimes it's about someone else. But it's always about one member. Something like "He spoils the site for everyone being rude in public chat / burning my points". And this site is organized so that one person cannot stand an organized group. Even a small group can ban anyone from public chat or burn points of 1 member. Yet here they are, "bullies", who can spoil the site for a person who have 1000 of friends in their list. What those 1000 friends are worth then???

My points is - friends lists with hundreds of members are not for friends at all. I don't know what they serve for, but definitely not for friends.

May be those friendslist are used to see full size pics or view vids free of charge or to in other ways increase viewing convenience, but those are premium features and should be paid for.
By #23212 14,Sep,11 15:59
'ADMIN': I've been a very happy member of this wonderful site for about 2 years. In addition to the than the actual friendships made through this site, I believe that, YES, some of us who had 'larger' friends lists, and expecting to be 'friended' back, were because of our wanting to view full size/resolution pics--since some of us are very visually oriented, have done good photography, etc.; and that's what has made your site so very much better than all the rest of the 'View My/Rate My ... ' etc. sites. Yes, it does seem that that should be a 'premium' feature, however many of us, on limited/fixed/senior/etc. incomes, cannot afford the USD$14.95 per month, just to view higher resolution pics. While I realize that you have a large amount of experience with sites like this, I am wondering/asking if you could consider starting a 'very limited paid membership', perhaps also 'prepaid' for one year, etc., for about USD$45 to $65 per year? This would be limited to ONLY being able to view pics in larger size/resolution, with NO other benefits such as more than 100 friends, no advertising, etc., etc. Yes, of course some who are paying the higher amounts will switch to the lower cost membership, but I am wondering if you actually will GAIN far more supporting income for this site, by the large increase in paying members that this limited membership would bring?? Thank you for your consideration.
By boy [Ignore] 14,Sep,11 19:18 other posts 
Admin,I do understand your arguments but I don't like the way this new limit was introduced. As I allready stated above, your information policy was not very professional
By fila1305 [Ignore] 15,Sep,11 04:17 other posts 
Admin, you say that the limit is put up here after abuse of the your frien's recent uploads button. I now the query is probably already very complicated and the search is very processor consumming.

Now I was thinking: isn't it possible to put a field in everybody's profile that keeps track what the last time was that that button was used and then check on 'real' recent uploads? By this a friend that hasn't logged in in the meantime, can be skipped all the way.

And perhaps you could just go for the pics that had been uploaded after the last check? The server still needs to check everyone's friends but after hitting an old pic it can move on to the next friend.

By #85103 13,Sep,11 17:57
Hi Admin
I had no idea about this new 100 friends thing. I don't have a problem with it actually, I just wish I knew why I logged on and found I had about 30 PMs of people deleting me from their friends list. I thought I'd done something to offend a lot of people and didn't get to see any notification of your decision.
Why don't you consider deleting the accounts of all the users who join, post NO pics yet think it's ok to visit our page and simply add us to their friends without asking, saying anything to us or even commenting at all? If you looked into this and deleted them I reckon it would free up a large amount of the headroom the site needs.
By boy [Ignore] 14,Sep,11 19:08 other posts 
Same happened to me. I was also very surprised that suddenly so many people put me off their friends' list. Now I'm quite relieved, as I have finally found out that it was just because of the limit. Better information policy by admin would have been a good thing.
By fila1305 [Ignore] 15,Sep,11 04:00 other posts 
I agree with NWCock. How about banning people who have NO pics at all uploaded (And then I mean none what so ever, so even no privat pics.) from forming a friendslist in the first place?

Thereby, I can understand your point of view, Admin, in reducing serverload. But as stated so often here, perhaps giving a little notice in advance would have been nice. Like you did with the multiple accounts recently.

If I offended any one by deleting them, I'm sorry, I never meant to do so.

By littleun [Ignore] 13,Sep,11 21:58 other posts 
to all the friends i just offended by deleting them. I'm sorry. I deleted everyone. the policy change is fine, its admins site, they can do what they like, however, i have never seen something handled so unprofessionally. What a dissapointment from a nice site.

By #7976 13,Sep,11 17:43
I understand your point. The server is massive and yet it's being overwhelmed at times.

As for me, I can live with a friends limit although, I'd prefer not to have one. I typically use the friends feature to track people I'm interested in as they put up new pix. When I go into my webpage and open the Social/Your Friends Recent Uploads it prompts me to check out what else they're up to.

Either way. Can we somehow select which Friends to keep or will they be cropped in some particular fashion such as date etc?

By littleun [Ignore] 13,Sep,11 11:05 other posts 
so admin. now you have a lot of hurt feelings from people that go online and see dozens of deletions with no reason and no explanation. Way to go. No communication. just policy. Are you perhaps retired from US government work?
Or perhaps just a bad case of inter-cranial rectal inversion?

By #161491 13,Sep,11 08:05
Would the administration be willing to change the limit to 500 instead of 100? That would be a whole lot easier to manage and I suspect wouldn't cause as many deletions for most members.
By admin [Ignore] 13,Sep,11 08:16 other posts 
Before making this limitation I checked and found out that 95% of members of this site had less than 100 friends. So 100 should be fine for most of people.

By #78188 12,Sep,11 21:41
well if there got to be a limit on friends why cant you fix it where it will not be in alphabetical order but where you can put your friends in any order you like. like maybe a top friends list because i have made a lot of friends on here and now if your name does not start an a b or c you cant be on my friends list
By admin [Ignore] 13,Sep,11 07:30 other posts 
If you delete one of the top friends it will simply shift up - i.e. one of the gray friends will become not gray. They are grayed only to show you literally that you are over the limit.

Means that you do not necessarily have to delete grayed ones.

By #175805 13,Sep,11 06:42
Started by someone at 11,Sep,11 19:42
why this limit?
is this site going to be paysite very soon?

Hello "Someone" May I be the one to tell you that it already is a pay site. The free part is just to get you into it and the features are all paid for. WHY? The owner doesn't want to work for a living so he/she is taking advantage of the people through sex. Basically he/she is pimping you out everytime you make a payment.
By admin [Ignore] 13,Sep,11 06:59 other posts 
I have only one advice for you, if you think that running this site is not a job, just make your own site and enjoy all the "free" money you'll get somewhere on Bahamas. You can copy this one exactly, I won't sue you.

By #134917 13,Sep,11 01:27
I think its funny that admin said "thanks to those who put 10'000 members in their friends" because NO one had that many friends on this site at tops it was 5000 which is still half. I think the he needs to delete the top 100 befriended list there is no reason for it..
By #164428 13,Sep,11 03:05
Come to think of it, yeah! I came across the Top 100 list recently (I know we're both on it), and it seems the person with the most friends has just under 5000.
By #88520 13,Sep,11 03:30
That list only shows how many people that have added a certain member. A person that has added over 10'000 friends won't show up unless those users added him back.

Since I usually don't add guys, the number of users that have befriendied me are 10 times higher than the number I have in my own friends list. Still harder than I thought though to trim my friends list down to under 100 users
By admin [Ignore] 13,Sep,11 06:50 other posts 
That's simply because I implicitly dumped friends of those who had over 5000. This member /member.php?w=38932 had over 42'000 friends. I remembered him because of that.

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