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Surgical penis enlargement 15,Dec,11 16:02
Penis enlargement procedures and results 06,Mar,10 10:45
Have you tried any Penis Enlargement Products 03,Dec,10 13:24
Penis Enlargement 15,May,12 01:29
Penis Enlargement pills & methods 09,Oct,14 08:30
penis enlargement 24,Jan,12 19:13
Penis Enlargement 31,Mar,10 22:39
Penis enlargement 07,Feb,18 12:52
Dose any one know penis enlargement exercisers 18,May,13 06:41
what is ur penis enlargement methods ? 17,Nov,11 09:13
Man died from penis enlargement surgery in Sweden! 23,Oct,19 12:36
did penis enlargement work for anyone? 11,Sep,09 21:06
penile surgery 02,May,10 19:58
Nipple Enlargement 31,Jul,11 08:51
Clit Enlargement 04,Sep,17 23:27
Real Penis Enlargement (PE) 04,Aug,18 23:48
cock extenders 01,Sep,15 15:17


By #6568 12,Sep,09 04:03

For some reason the last post has the wrong member ID, was my post and describes my experiences.

By spermkiss 06,Feb,12 12:18
Dump the bitch! NOW! Any woman who'd say that to her beau is a fucking cunt who doesn't deserve your time or attention.

Now, to answer your question about penis enlargement, short of surgery it isn't possible. And surgery is expensive, risky and has mixed results. See the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site for more information on this. So learn to be happy with the penis you have because it's all you're ever going to get. And go out and find a different girlfriend who wil accept you as you are.

By #199908 20,Nov,17 19:55
only registered users can see external links

If I went trough with a surgery I would go this route.

By #199908 20,Nov,17 19:56
only registered users can see external links

By t-rex 11,Jul,24 06:03
Yes, and she said she is having another bum enlargement, (smh)

By #198395 22,Oct,11 18:57
So some of us are small,, not much we can do ,and i would not go down the breast enlargement path

By spermkiss 06,Mar,10 18:28
Right on. Have a look at the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site.

By spermkiss 26,Mar,12 11:56
It ain't possible. See the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site.

By #640849 23,Apr,21 13:16
Try zyrexin. It works for me. It makes me hard, but it's not for permanent enlargement.

By spermkiss 27,Aug,10 17:19
No, but it's probably a scam. See the "penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site.

By spermkiss 04,Apr,10 21:11
This is so true. See the Penis Enlargement Scams article on this very site.

By spermkiss 17,Nov,11 12:09
Excellent advice. See the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site.

By boc 11,Feb,18 20:09
I bought some penis enlargement cream and my hands got bigger.

By spermkiss 05,Jun,10 02:26
Live with and learn to love what you've got. See the penis enlargement scams article on this very site.

By kebmo 04,Aug,17 00:35
Isn't it a great thing that men can't get penis enlargement operations the same way women can get breast enlargements.

By spermkiss 01,Sep,10 23:58
You cannot, so live with and learn to love what you've got. See the "penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site.

By tecsan 15,Aug,22 03:31
NONE. Just money making propaganda like cock enlargement. Zinc I think helps during puberty though.

By spermkiss 10,Jun,14 22:59
Your words of wisdom carry a lot of weight. A word to the wise, YOUR PENIS CANNOT BE MADE LARGER EXCEPT BY SURGERY. And surgery has mixed results, is expensive and involves painful recovery. Other methods to attempt penis enlargement (pumps, various exercises, etc.) have a good deal of risk, as this man can attest. For a further discussion of this, see the Penis Enlargement Scams article on this very site.

So all you guys out there with medium size or small dicks, LEARN TO LIVE WITH AND BE SATISFIED WITH WHAT YOU HAVE. No matter what size you dick is, you can be assured that there are thousands (no MILLIONS!) of people out there who like that size. This is especially true of micropenises. There is a whole crew of people who worship micros and there are dozens of web sites devoted to just them. Dick Shorter, Dicklets, Davidmicro and Smalldicklover are four that come readily to mind. There are numerous others.


By spermkiss 02,Oct,10 12:35
It can't be done except with surgery which is expensive, risky and has mixed results. See the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site.

By spermkiss 19,Dec,10 23:23
It isn't possible except with surgery which is risky, expensive and has mixed results. See the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site.

By NOWHEREMAN 09,Oct,13 03:16
I have been obsesed with enlargement for years! I don't think the surgery is worth minnimal gain for maximum cash! Some pumps do it for girth!

By spermkiss 04,Apr,12 11:19
No, you do not need a bigger dick because yours is just fine. And even if it weren't, there is nothing you could do about it. Each man has the dick he was born with and it cannot be made larger. See the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site.

By spermkiss 01,Apr,10 12:21
Have a look at the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site for starters, and then if your want to look further, search elsewhere on the internet. And then forget the whole idea of making your penis any larger. It's just fine as it is.

By #268067 26,Jun,12 00:00
turn gay?

In all seriousness penis enlargement surgery can ad an inch or two to your penis length but apart from that all the other stuff is pure rip off.

Learn to be happy with what you got.

By spermkiss 16,Dec,11 11:40
You cannot short of surgery and surgery is risky, expensive and has mixed results. See the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site for more information. So learn to be happy with what you've got.

By #216929 16,Dec,11 01:02
again mr. Ray posted the counterview of mine. I think u have gone through so many sites. Just google penis enlargement. Read the wikipedia. U'll find the right & correct answer. Don't go through the bogus& fake sites.

By #153287 09,Dec,11 08:44
you can buy a clamp which you wear for about three days and then the skin falls off but you may still need to go to the doctors to get the anesthetic. and not sure about penis enlargement I know there's always places promoting pills and such but doubt they really work, I think masturbation helps keep it long, or hard pulling.

By spermkiss 25,Jan,12 15:46
'Can't be done short of surgery and surgery is expensive, risky and has mixed results. See the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site for more information. So learn to be happy with what you've got 'cause it's all you're ever gonna have.

By #6568 09,Jan,12 07:33
It entirely depends on what you class as "larger" CAN'T double the size in three weeks by taking a few pills,...there are many enlargement scams, However, the penis CAN be excercised and optimised like any other part of the human body, and yes, made more defined and muscular looking,...see my blog.

By #23212 09,Jan,10 20:38
Love your understatement here! Yes, I do believe an orifice from where babies come out, does have a "potential" for "size" enlargement, much more than cocks!!

By Sir-Skittles 23,Nov,20 11:56
Site Experiments:

When Ken was sent to that "clinic" in China for a cock enlargement procedure..

The outcome was not good. To that point, Ken is still on this site and with a tiny knob!

By #70814 10,Jun,10 04:31
right about the surgery, risky. But it's not the only way natural penis enlargement works fine. Needs lots of work, but you get some results. Ever heard of jelqing ?

By #6568 14,Oct,09 14:44
As admin says, the pills do NOT work and nor can they. There have recently been some high profile prosecutions of enlargement fraudsters.

However, if you do really want to increase your size and are genuinely interested in working at it over a considerable time, then it can be done. Start by researching the 'Thundersplace' website.

Also, research here;...../forum/thread.php?id=1264

By spermkiss 15,May,12 16:48
First of all, your penis is just fine the size it is.

Secondly, there is no way to make it bigger, short of surgery and that is expensive, risky and has mixed results. See the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site.

So learn to be happy with what you've got, 'cause that's all you're ever going to have. And as I said at he outset, you've got a good looking dick that is big enough to get the job done. Enjoy it.

By spermkiss 03,Dec,10 17:13
The quick answer is that they are all a fraud and penis pumps can be dangerous. See the Penis Enlargement Scams article on this very site.

The only thing that might work is surgery and that is very expensive, has some negative effects and has mixed results.

The best course of action is to learn to be happy with what you've got.

By just16cm 02,Jun,12 18:34
He need some shadow enlargement pills


By #6568 17,Jan,10 13:45
Pills and potions hav ebeen universally shown to be ineffective. There have recently been procecutions with long prison sentences for fraudulent 'enlargement' methods.

That said, you can increase the size if you are prepared to be dedicated enough. There have been several topics about this over the last few months.


By Sir-Skittles 19,Oct,20 20:58

Lady Tecsan and his pizza party!!

Guarantee there is a penis pump and enlargement pills in his mailbox

By #6568 31,Dec,09 07:58
.....A friend returned from a trip and told me that he found 150 emails, mainly spam, in his inbox. Apparently a lot of them were offering penis enlargement and he told me that several were headlined 'make you penis 10 inches long'....he said he answered all of these by asking whey he should cut a couple of inches off!!

By #496814 25,Jun,16 13:43
"All I wanted is to get it up in google by ... penis enlargement and erection pills...It did not work that way"

It usually works to get it up by using erection pills. But I doubt you need google for it.

By admin 18,Apr,12 18:45
Honestly, 20 years ago no one even bothered with this question. I believe it's a propaganda of size-extenders (almost none of which actually work) over internet and availability of porn with professional actors made people so preoccupied with it.

Not speaking that I once had a small studio shooting amateur porn and I know for a fact that none of the men who came for casting had 8". Only 2 had 7" and the rest was under 6".

But you may go on, I need people to buy those penis enlargement programs...

By #6568 28,Feb,09 09:08
It's not possible to post links to other sites here, but you should search/google for 'Thundersplace' which is a vast site of info about attitudes to size of both sexes and about the methods of enlargement/enhancement/excercising of the penis.

It is a very large site and the info is comprehensive so spend some time just reading before you worry any further. There is a lot to go thru there and it will take some time of diligent study.

By #6568 25,Dec,17 09:15
yes, things are quite different here in the's bad form to draw attention to your penis in a communal or club shower and washing under your foreskin is done discretely while facing the wall...everyone knows what you are doing and they do the same, but polite behaviour dictates that there are no 'displays' or obvious pulling back of ones hood. I have seen men in the shower start to erect due to the warm water etc and seen the owner give it a hard flick to deter any further enlargement and embarassment.

By #6568 03,Apr,11 12:57
....Except that doctors don't know everything that they think they do.....

.........And, it's impossible to 'prove a negative' so how would you know that it's "all myths and untruths"... and that "you can't add girth or inches without surgery"...??

....So, without any wish to be rude or unkind, I have to frankly ask; how do YOU know that your statements are true?

.....It's very interesting that whenever this subject crops up on this site there are always people who are ready to jump in with categoric negative statements as if they actually KNOW something about this,'s like they are desparate to share the dogma that no sort of enlargement or enhancement can possibly be based in any reality let alone work......I wonder why.

By spermkiss 20,Jul,14 15:03
They are indeed dangerous. I've heard numerous stories of men being rushed to a hospital ER after a b-l-o-o-d vessel ruptured from using a penis pump.

Furthermore they don't work. They may cause a temporary increase in penis size, but the operant word here is TEMPORARY. After a few hours, or at most a few days, the penis returns to its original size.

For more information on this, see the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site.

By spermkiss 02,Feb,11 17:17
The size you already have is the best size for sex for you. Short of surgery, which is expensive, risky and has mixed results, there is almost nothing a man can do to change the size of his dick. For more information see the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site for more information.

So learn to be happy with the cock you've got. If it ain't enough, improvise. There's more to sex than a penis. Use you fingers, lips, tongue etc. Many years ago I was told that all parts of the body can be used for sex. Be creative.

By #6568 04,Dec,10 09:21
99.9% of enlargement products are scams in one way or another. You CAN considerably change the size and strength of your penis but NOT with any of those products.....Look at my blog.....

.....consider for a moment;....if a pill can make your penis 'grow' how is it able to just target your penis and not other parts of your body? For example,..your penis is part of your vascular system so would you swallow a pill that 'grew' the blood vessels in your penis,...along with those in your lips and heart...??

By spermkiss 21,Aug,11 21:12
So true. See the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site. Penis size is determined by genetics and you've got what you were born with. Short of surgery which is expensive, risky and has mixed results, there is nothing you can do to permanently enlarge your penis. For some men a penis pump can temporarily increase the size of his penis but this carries risks. And after a few hours or at most a few days the penis returns to its original size.

So learn to enjoy what you have. And by the way, yours looks just fine. 'Want a blow job?

By Ray10754 16,Dec,11 07:21
As I googled this subject these are the ones that were found, Beverly hills surgical,DR Douglas Whithead Dir of NY Phalloplasty (peins enlargement),The Reed Center Harold M Reed in Fla.,Australia Plastic Surgery,and many many more were available, I am sure that these are not Bogus and fake sites, they all offer detailed information about the procedure,detailed procedure photographs,and are all acredeted with certifcations. I was not born yesterday I do know the differance between legitemet sites and the spam

By spermkiss 22,Dec,10 13:36
As oldbugle has so wisely stated, they do have some benefit for men who are having erection problems if one is used on the advice of a physician. The doctor's instructions should be strictly followed.

They should not be used recreationally. A penis pump will NOT permanently increase the size of a penis and there is some danger. Risks include loss of sensitivity and a ruptured blood vessel causing internal bleeding. I've heard stories of men being rushed to a hospital emergency room because of this.

See the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site for more information.