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2.5ml "dead" nutlet

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2.5ml "dead" nutlet

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By slipper 22,Nov,24 20:16
Testicle volume of under 4ml is labeled prepubescent according to medical measures. Of course my size of approximately 16mm x 23mm includes about 2mm of inner and outer scrotal tissues.
By ramaex 26,Jan,25 06:38
I have the same with my left nut. the right nut has an hydrolzele with about 80ml liquid inside. ---- How to say?--- shit happens
By slipper 26,Jan,25 12:43
Can the liquid be drained? Just curious.
By ramaex 26,Jan,25 13:45
every two weeks i remove 50-60 ml with a syringe, but within 3 or 4 days the hydrozele is full again... itīs okay, no pain, only annoying
By slipper 26,Jan,25 15:52
Can nothing be done about it medically??? Seems a big (literally) hassle!
By ramaex 26,Jan,25 16:46
itīs possible but the risk to bring the nut to death is big. when it goes bigger than 120 ml i will go to the hospital.
By slipper 26,Jan,25 16:51
Sounds like it may be time to let it go... maybe embed in a small block of clear Lucite and use for a paperweight.

By Flowo 27,Nov,24 11:54
But they are still bigger than raisins.
By slipper 27,Nov,24 14:26
Yeah... unfortunately.

By small-is-beautifull 12,Dec,24 09:53
Well, great these tiny "balls".
By slipper 12,Dec,24 12:33

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