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Job interviews are becoming too humiliating

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Job interviews are becoming too humiliating

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By Kevin3 19,Oct,23 04:26
Is it me or is it really cold in here (one woman to the other) no, I don't feel cold... how about your, sir? lol
You "no it's not cold, I just have a micro penis"
Followed by them bursting into laughter at your tiny cock
By richsta22 19,Oct,23 05:13
Even worse ... I had an erection at the time
By Kevin3 19,Oct,23 12:07
My tiny cock would be very hard to! I'd probably prematurely cum after they laugh
By richsta22 19,Oct,23 21:49
I came when her hand brushed against my thigh while she was pulling down my panties. You could hear them laughing thru the whole office. Afterwards I heard a female coworker ask what was so funny and my manager told her she'd email her some photos later
By Kevin3 20,Oct,23 00:08
It was pretty funny that she printed out the pics of you from your "little meeting" and taped them to the back door of every stall in the women's bathrooms too
By richsta22 20,Oct,23 06:36
So that's why I heard them gathering and laughing in there
By Kevin3 20,Oct,23 15:53
Oh and don't forget the sound of camera clicking, like from a cell phone

By Thatdude 20,Jan,24 11:27
I don’t think you measure up for the job sweetie but we have your photos on file and pinned to the wall in the ladies room.. for laughs of course have a nice weekend, next applicant please! Other one I hope the next one actually has a dick, yours is so tiny! I wouldn’t even call it a dick… what do you call it ?
By richsta22 20,Jan,24 16:00
Women like to refer to my penis as pp or nub
By Thatdude 20,Jan,24 18:32
I’d call it a baby dick or a lil nubbin cock it looks like a little button or an acorn that never got to be a mighty oak

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