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Sounding an 11mm rod 10 inches deep

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Sounding an 11mm rod 10 inches deep

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By 2pierced 23,Sep,17 04:29
Sounding is so very pleasurable!
By Walker 23,Sep,17 16:18
Thanks. I started sounding a few months ago, on my doctors advice to work my prostate. Got the 8mm through my prostate and I have worked up to the 11mm rod in 10 inches in my dick. I can her the 11 2/3 rod about 2 inches so far.
I went through all your photos, and really like you the sounding shots

By Brad 05,Dec,19 21:12
Let’s sound together including shoving your cock with rod inserted up my lubed sissy ass !!
By Walker 29,Dec,19 09:16
I had an fun time fucking a woman with a rod in my dick and she had a wild deep orgasm as the rod had passed into her cervix. I could feel the rod going in and out of my dick as I pumped her cunt. When I pulled out the rod was still in her cervix and she worked it in and out having a body shaking orgasm. She now does two rods masturbating. One on her pee hole and one on her cervix.

By Luvanicecock 24,Dec,22 12:02
I really need to try that. Haven't used anything designed for sounding, but I enjoy the feeling. Maybe I'll go get some new toys
By Walker 24,Dec,22 16:38
I got mine on Amazon. two different sets 11.5 inch and 8 inch. I was up to 13mm for a while, but didn't keep it up so I'm down to 9mm now.
By Luvanicecock 24,Dec,22 17:36
By Luvanicecock 25,Dec,22 13:37
Got some yesterday
By Walker 25,Dec,22 22:22
Try the small all the way. I took an 8mm 11.5 inches..
By Luvanicecock 27,Dec,22 17:42
There is a photo on my page with the smaller one fully inserted

By Bobbyd73 16,Apr,23 09:46
First of all I absolutely love sounding. Wow, it would be awesome if you would do a tribute to me like that.

By Bobbyd73 14,Jul,23 08:40
That is so fucking hot. Wish you were doing that over my dick.

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