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how big is that butt plug

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how big is that butt plug

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By cumonme1 12,Jul,20 07:02
how big is that butt plug
By 42pupasmurfblue60 13,Jul,20 02:25
The widest part is about the diameter of a coke can, but I didn't like the base it was too small and it had the tendency to try and work its way in all the way, this would be bad, so I modified it and made a larger base ,you can see it in other pics it's white.
By cumonme1 02,Aug,20 09:24
I bet it feels sooooo good when it finally goes all the way in and your asshole closes up and holds it in.
By 42pupasmurfblue60 03,Aug,20 03:18
Yes it feels great, going in and coming out, I love pushing it in and pulling it out fast,it makes a poping sound and it leaves my ass gaping!!!!

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