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I'd thought I'd try this kind of camera shot. What you think?

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I'd thought I'd try this kind of camera shot. What you think?

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By Loverdanld 05,Jun,24 00:46
I don't know, my cock doesn't look big enough. But my meds fuck with me sometimes. Anyone know what's wrong. I'm trying to really get a woman. I want to be her all, I want her to be my angel. I want to take care of her, make sweet love to her, feed her. I can hunt for her. I would draw her. Paint her. Take wonderful photos of her in the park with beautiful dresses and or nice outfits in. I'd love that.vto have the warmth of a woman again... To feel her... To look her in her eyes.....? Oh so lovely of a thought and a sweet memory I have. Something I had, yet fade away in a darkness I created myself. My loves I destroyed; I reach out to you in this message to say, that your light will never fade from my heart, and that I still feel your sweetness now and I know you feel me too. I love all my ladies. They are still my loves to this day. I hope lots of people on here read this as I'm built to touch hearts and spread love. I hope you feel just a little of my love in your heart and your soul because that's what I am to touch. I know loneliness. 10 years of being single and without even a hug. It's made me love everything though. It's made me more in tuned with nature. Sorry.... I'm rambling. Love you guys all of you on here. I hope I've touched some hearts tonight.

By BillyJVilla 05,Jun,24 01:48
That's a nice length. You should be happy.

By malecall4 06,Jun,24 10:21
fantastic, your ass is Sweet

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