i can feel that smooth little package caressing the side of my face then those tight balls kiss between my nose and lip. i tickle the hairless underside of your hard sack with my tongue then go on to make out with your balls as the head of your scrumptious penis touches around my eyes and nose. my tongue plays with your cock as it goes in whatever direction of my lick. then i taste your semi-hard dick swirling it around in my mouth like a sip of fine wine. by now you are hard and i stop to just look and admire as the tips of my right fingers gently cup your little tight sack - maybe another kiss to them to ensure the breeze keeps that perfectly smooth little sack looking nice and round. again with the tips of my fingers caressing the firm ribbed scrotum. then i lightly stroke from the base of your cock to the tip where a gentle edge proceeds swallowing you and your load. after cumming those balls are smaller and tighter than ever. i cannot resist my hands on them and that cock slowly losing steam towards looking like that beautiful little package seen above. READING THIS MADE CUM