you have a lot of hair around that intact beauty, looks really thick and curly
By anonymous03,Jan,23 11:32
You have the perfect dick to circumcise. That big helmet head is very attractive, it's impolite not to show it off lol. The ladies don't mind sucking skinless cocks either. But no scissors please, urologists know how to make it look and feel perfect.
There are better tools for making that beautiful cock skin free. But I'd never do it unless medically needed. I was fucking cut at birth, been trying for years to stretch and recreate a foreskin. Not perfect but getting there.
Hey, how u doing?
Wow!!! U have a great cock,
Please feel free to private message
Me. ((I did read ur profile and did read,
U are straight. I am just being honest
And straight forward.))
Please private message me...
I really love what I see...
Awesum foreskin...
Hey, how u doing?
Wow!!! U have a great cock,
Please feel free to private message
Please private message me...
I really love what I see..
Great body aswell u have.
Even one stunning foreskin u have...