germanpenisboy's answers to questions of the day

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Do you enjoy giving or receiving bph (big penis humiliation)? YES

Do you like the feeling of cheating your partner? YES

Who is like me love anal sex all day if could every day? YES

Straight guys, would you consider jerking-off on cam with other men on site like Skye, Whereby, etc. ? YES

straight guys : even if you're into girls, are you a cum fetish (like to see other men cumming, fantasize about tasting cum, etc.) ? YES

If I have a tiny dick am I man enough for a woman? NO

Do you like to slide your tongue into your partner's anus? YES

Does anyone like go streaking in public? YES

Does it hurt to take it in the ass for the first time? YES

During sex should cum be shot deep inside the pussy?? YES

Loud moaning during male ejaculation , do you like it.? YES

Do you prefer bareback (yes) or safe sex (no)? YES

Do you look at who visited your profile? YES

Do you need a mild whipping to get a hard-on ? NO

Would you fuck your sister inlaw? YES

Would you eat a visibly dirty ass? YES

Have you ever eaten someone else's cum? YES

Would you like to just be in the same room as another couple and play without touching? YES

Do you like getting your asshole fuck? YES

Would you like to see your partner have sex with another person? YES

Do you think having a bigger head is more important big balls? YES

Would you fuck man? YES

would you fuck a guy who has has a pussy instead of a dick? YES

Do your balls draw up in your stomach when you cum real hard? YES

does the race of your sexual partner matter to you? NO

Do you guys have the problem where when soft really it's small but when erect it's average size? Yes or no? NO

Would you like to get fucked in the mouth and ass at same time? YES

Do you like public nudity enough to go out and wave at cars naked? YES

Would you let a massage therapist give you a spicy massage? YES

Would you have a sexual relationship with your male cousin if he wanted that too? YES

Do you like to go to private public places (i.e.bath houses) and have sex where multiple people can watch? YES

Do you have to be gay to suck cocks and get fuck👀? YES

Shold there be a category "Feet? NO

Do you enjoy prolong (4-6hrs) self pleasure sex sessions? YES

If anyone has insecurities about their body, male or female, does this put a barrier up and prevent sex being the best it can be? YES

If you do or could, self suck, do you cum in your own mouth and swallow? YES

Do you enjoy huge anal insertions? YES