Do you prefer ass-fucking over pussy-fucking? NO
Have You ever been recognized by Your internet pics in Your real-life? NO
Guys-- have you ever been the middle of a train (you fucking someone while someone's fucking you)? NO
Given a choice, would you rather suck (yes) or be sucked (no)? NO
Have you had sex in a public bathroom? NO
Do u eat your cum if u do than is it everytime you do? NO
Being pegged can just be as good as receiving a real dick -- yes or no? NO
Have you ever been caught try too take a picture for this site?(in public or family member)? NO
Have you ever cum/orgasmed in a shower that did not have separate stalls? YES
would you let your girlfriend or wife fuck you with a strap on? NO
Have you ever masturbated or suck another guy and nobody would ever suspect that you have? NO