Does vaginal odour turn you on? YES
Have you ever been nude in public? YES
Have you ever stolen panties? NO
Would you let someone pee on you? NO
When matubating and fantasizing, do your fantasies get naughtier over the years? NO
Do like to get your balls licked? YES
Would you stop a woman from sucking you if you found she was a he? YES
Have you ever let anyone piss in your mouth? NO
Do you like using a same sex doctor? NO
Have you ever fucked one of your sister's girlfriends? NO
does getting another guy's load over your cock turn you on? YES
Have you ever appeared in professional porn films? NO
Prefer oral sex to regular penetration? NO
Can you get orgasm from using a butt plug alone without touching your genitals? NO
Do you love to have sex with a woman and a man at the same time? YES
Have you ever fucked someone because you felt bad for them? YES
Do you like the idea of waking up to someone giving you oral? YES
is it cool if you want to suck some cock and you ask him to put on a condom at a glory hole? NO
Have you ever been to a bath house or sex club? NO
Have you ever stripped naked in public places? YES
are you into foreskin play? NO
Have you ever came on food and ate it? NO
If you had a time machine, would you go back to have sex with yourself? YES
did you ever have an orgy with more than 6 people? NO
Do you keep your socks on during sex? NO
Do you practice erotic asphyxiation (either during masturbation or sex with partner)? NO
Are you fond of giving/receiving titfucks? YES
Do you think penis piercings are sexy? NO
Would you let your partner pee in your bum while having intercourse? NO
Have you ever got nude in public? YES
Would you live in an entirely nudist society? NO
Would you dye your pubic hair? NO
would you let two Black men fuck you at the same time? NO
Have you been masturbating/having sex and been caught by significant other? NO
is it cool if you want to fuck and get sucked by guys but not want to return the favor? NO
BUSH (yes) or SHAVED (no) ? NO
if you could would you suck your own cock or lick your own cunt? NO
Are you a nudist, i.e. not just for sex? NO
Have you ever been spit roasted? NO
Have you ever let a dude suck your cock (even though you are straight and/or committed)? YES
If you found out that a guest in your house had a page on here, would you tell them or not? NO
Do you enjoy big anal toys over a real cock? NO
would you stick your dick in a hole in an object? NO
would you like your partner to participate on this site with you? NO
Would you like members to meet up with you in a safe confidential place? YES
Would you let your partner piss in your mouth? NO
If you was an actor, would you accept a role requiring you to appear nude on stage? YES
Would you accept a polyamorous relationship? YES
Would you fuck a chubby guy? NO
Have you ever come in your own mouth? YES
Would you let a shemale fuck you hard? NO
have you ever been fisted in the ass or cunt? NO
Would you be willing to meet and fuck? YES
Would u masturbate infront hundreds of fully dressed people? YES
does anal insertion feel physically good for everyone? YES
Do you get turned on by watching your own nude pictures/videos? YES
Do you like to have your arse smacked while being taken from behind? NO
would you let a stranger eat your pussy? YES
Does pain get you aroused? YES
Would you take two cocks in your ass or pussy? NO
Have you ever sucked off a straiht neighbor? YES
Would you perform oral sex on your partners anus? NO
Do you feel more confident in your body image since showing yourself off on this site? YES
Have you ever been recognized while being nude on a webcam? NO
ever been the pivot man in a circle jerk? NO
Would you like to see your partner having sex with someone else? NO
Would you raffel your self at a gay bar? NO
Would you date a transsexual? NO
Would you like to eat your own cum in your partner's mouth after a blowjob? NO
Would you like to be gang banged? NO
Do you finger your own asshole? NO
Do you sometimes get so excited you don't play safe? YES
Do you lie about your penis size to your current partner? NO
Is 5-6 inches enough to satisfy you? NO
Do you like men in panties? NO
Would you be "gay for pay"? NO
Have you ever sniffed any family members panties? NO
did you get anyone pregnant? YES
Do you like making love to a pregnant woman? YES
Would you eat the cum out of a condom that just came out of an ass or pussy? NO
do you masturbate more often than fucking your wife ? NO
Would your partner clean your dick with their mouth after you have just fucked them? YES
Would you share your partner with a friend? YES
Are you on this site to hook up? NO
Would you have your asshole fucked just to experience it? NO
have you ever flashed anyone before? YES
Would you like for a chick with a dick sudduce you,? NO
Do you always keep your dick head outside of foreskin? NO
(men) Have you ever came while soft? YES
Have you posted your dick/cunt on other web sites? YES
would you like to be gang fucked? NO
Would you let your best friend fuck your partner? YES
uncut men have bigger and harder erections than cut men? YES
Guys, do you compare cocks with a friend or another guy just for being curious? NO
Does pain play a role in your pleasure? NO
Has this website expanded your sexuality? NO
Would you let your woman finger your ass while she sucks your dick? YES
Do you like to see nasty personal fights in the forum? YES
did you have a jerk off buddy growing up? NO
Do you like to have group masturbation?no fuckin? NO
Would you let your spouse/partner appear in a hardcore porn movie? NO
Does getting fucked by a shemale make you gay? NO
Do YOU find it a turn-off, if your sexual partner enjoys both Male & Female? NO
Do you like small cocks in lingerie? NO
Do well shaped and pretty (female!) feet turn you on? YES
Have you ever sucked the cock that just came in you ass? NO
If a Hot woman asked your to play with her boyfriends cock would you? NO
Would you like to try to take 2 cocks in your pussy or asshole? NO
Do you enjoy the games offered on this site? YES
Should the penis head be fatter than the penis shaft? YES
Boy Or Girl, Do You Like Being Used As Anal Sex Toy ? YES
Straight men only: do you like your asshole licked, fingered, and probed? NO
Men prefer masturbation to fucking a woman? NO
Have you ever masturbated while driving? YES
Have you been to a gloryhole? NO
Do you masturbate more than 5 times a week? YES
Have you ever been recognized from one of these websites? NO
if a man would you like to butt fuck another male? YES
Ever masturbate while driving? YES
Do you and your partner masturbate in front of each other? YES
is there some gayness on you? YES
Do you sometimes feel guilty when you jerk off with other on SYD ? YES
Would you go to a swingers club with your partner and swap? YES
Does edging form part of your solo play? NO
Do you get erections often during your physical check ups? NO
If I fantasize about sucking a nice cock, does that make me gay? NO
If you got rock hard in a public place, would you sneak into a bathroom and Jerk It Off? YES
would you let your wife wank a stranger off? YES
On the same note as the other day, however, would you eat someone elses cum oozing from a pussy? YES
Do you think sex with two people at the same time is more fun than sex with just one? YES
Do you prefer ass-fucking over pussy-fucking? NO
Would you grant your spouse their greatest sexual fantasy even if you were uncomfortable with it? YES
Men: ever put on women's panties to masturbate? YES
Would you let your woman finger your ass while blowing you? YES
Do you REALLY find assholes )*( attractive and or a turn on? NO
Would you rather suck a cock (yes) or get fucked in the ass (no)? YES
would you love to have a tight cock ring ? YES
Strap guys - would you rather have a guy cum in your mouth or your ass? NO
Have you ever fucked someones toes or had your toes fucked? YES
do you ever fantasize about a 3some where you get to play with a member of the same sex? YES
Have you had sex in a public bathroom? YES
Do you enjoy having something (a finger, toy) in your ass while fucking or being fucked? YES
Being pegged can just be as good as receiving a real dick -- yes or no? NO
Are you disappointed if the pics you post here don't get as many views as you'd hoped? YES
Have you ever been caught try too take a picture for this site?(in public or family member)? YES
Would you suck your own dick or eat your pussy, if you could? YES
Have you ever tasted your own cum? YES
Have you ever used a fleshlight? YES
Does a beard make a man sexier? NO
do you talk with your wife/husband about your cuckold fantasies? YES
Have you ever masturbated or suck another guy and nobody would ever suspect that you have? NO
MMF threesome : would you let the other guy cum first to slide your cock in her creampied pussy ? NO
ever let a stranger masturbate with you? NO
Have you ever been sexually attracted to someone more for their personality than their looks? NO
Do young girls like to be fuck by older men? YES
Have you ever been woken up with a blowjob? YES
Has your mother ever made you hard? YES
Do you need a mild whipping to get a hard-on ? NO
would you tell your wife/gf that you want to taste another man's cum? NO
Do ya think nudity is something that should be more widely accepted? YES
Should it be legal to be nude? YES
Do you like your own cock? YES
Have you ever masturbated in a public place ? YES
Do you like getting your nudes exposed/shared? YES
have you ever been ass fuck? NO
Have you ever cum in your own mouth? YES
Have you ever met up with other members on the site? NO
Do you like to compare penis size? NO
have you ever fucked someone else wife? YES
Would you spend a day naked at the lake if other people were nearby? YES
did you ever eat your own cum in front of a woman? NO
Would you like to see your partner have sex with another person? NO
do you save/download people's images on here? NO
Do you wish you could shoot your cum further than you do? NO
Does anyone else have a craving to try cock but has no other interest in men...purely for cock? NO
Has your asshole ever been fuck by a friend? NO
Would you let a massage therapist give you a spicy massage? YES
would you like to take a bath or a shower of warm CUM ? NO
Straight guys would you shoot your load on to another guys cock? NO
Do you finger your ass hole during masturbation? NO
If you could suck your own dick, would you, and would you also swallow your sperm? NO
Have you ever been "tea bagged" ; )? NO
Have you said "NO" to someone who you really wanted to have sex with? NO
Have you ever been fucked with a strap on? NO
Has anyone ever been attracted to a friend in school that you dreamed of sucking his dick? NO
Did you ever masturbate in a public toilet? YES
Would you like your sexual partner to pee on your face? NO
Have you ever done 69 with a member of the same sex? NO
Would you eat out a pussy or asshole that is dripping with someone's else's cum ; )? NO
Do you want to eat a pussy out that has fresh cum in it? NO
When preparing for anal sex, do you like the sensation of the hot water going in and out? NO
Do you like your hole licked or rubbed? NO
do you like to see your wife fuck by different men? NO
Are women more likely to be more horny ovulating? YES
Do you like your pussy licked while getting your ass fingered? NO
Have you ever had a cock cum in your mouth? NO
Have you ever been in a glory hole before? NO
Would like to be fuck with a 8 1/2 inch thick cocks .😁? NO
is a circumcised penis more attractive than one with foreskin? NO
Shold there be a category "Feet? YES
Would like to be Rim before getting your Asshole fuck.🤪? NO
Do you think this site should have a "dark mode"? YES
Do you enjoy prolong (4-6hrs) self pleasure sex sessions? NO
If you do or could, self suck, do you cum in your own mouth and swallow? NO
Do you enjoy huge anal insertions? NO
Do you get an erection when shaving your cock and balls? YES