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Yours is the first I have seen with just a flap of foreskin

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Yours is the first I have seen with just a flap of foreskin

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By #537228 14,Dec,17 13:05
Yours is the first I have seen with just a flap of foreskin underneath like mine...if that is what it is. I have been all over the internet, and had yet to see one like mine, but mine isn't pierced. I have pics of it that I will try to post on here soon. I think they are on my laptop right now, so I have to find them.

By #537228 14,Dec,17 13:21
I have just uploaded the pic, showing my foreskin flap. I am trying to stretch my balls, so there are rings and it is wrapped with gauze bandages also. I have better shots of my foreskin, but they are elsewhere and I have to find them.
By Olddude 17,Dec,17 10:44
Yup, looks a lot like mine! Flap of skin is from foreskin.
It is real, have stretched it over the years. Pretty sensitive. Go for tattoo, not as bad as you would think.

By Frenum 02,Jan,25 08:56
Love it

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