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Absolutely magnificent ladies what do you think?

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Absolutely magnificent ladies what do you think?

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By decatur212 10,Aug,24 11:01
Absolutely magnificent ladies what do you think?

By incubusman2 09,Nov,24 21:04
stunninig! How long?
By Dustinherman 10,Nov,24 01:49
8 Inches - by far not as long as your meat whip!
By incubusman2 10,Nov,24 11:19
yeah, but 11 " is too long for everyone
By Dustinherman 10,Nov,24 16:41
Is that so? Is'nt the pure imagination of being able to be close to that thing enough to make someone horny beyond limits?
Aren't endless people curious to at least try or suck it?
By incubusman2 12,Nov,24 12:00
actually, girls 'think' they what it, then it's usually kinda like keep that donkey dick away from me , or let me be in complete control, so I never get to ram it anywhere if you know what I mean
By Dustinherman 13,Nov,24 09:52
Yeah, I understand. Must be frustrating only being able to put half of it in 😕
By incubusman2 13,Nov,24 11:20
yeah, but you're right--suckng's nice cause with a couple hands around the bottom I can jam it around

By incubusman2 13,Nov,24 11:24
I'll bet you've heard a few screams of delight too
By Dustinherman 15,Nov,24 03:24
Sure, a few times there was even blood involved, but we found when we were done. Looks like she still enjoyed it because she was moaning the entire time 🤷‍♂️

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