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My new penis look, should I go on cut off my hairs ?

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My new penis look, should I go on cut off my hairs ?

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By spermkiss 30,Jan,23 11:42
That's a tough call. As you almost certainly have observed from watching porn, both straight and gay, and from looking at the postings on this site, the hairless look for men is very much in vogue. But you are rather hairy and giving yourself a whole body shave would be a major operation. You could do it more easily with the help of a friend and if you had sex when you are freshly shaved, it would be mind blowing, especially if your partner was also freshly shaved. Trust me on that because I know from experience.

Not so nice is the regrowth. Before I went for the permanent solution and had everything removed with a laser, I had maybe 10 per cent of the hair you do. The prickly regrowth was not pleasant.

Your hairy legs and abdomen with a shaved play area is a nice look. You might want to consider staying with that.
By bi4buddies 11,Apr,23 19:30
Seems like sound advice ... but to digress: I'd love gettin' down on that cock 🙏 👅👅 😅

By ahardcorecase 31,Jan,23 01:24
Hey Dreamy my friend- Definitely no, do not go any further. A hairy man looks sexier with a bush or at least some hair there. I think it looks out of place with it completely gone.

By winger70 13,Apr,23 05:13
je te préfère avec tes poils moi mais quoi qu'il arrive je te suce volontiers...

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