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In my car 2

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In my car 2

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By dura2000 16,Oct,22 15:59
I would love to be hitchhiking and have you pick me up.
By dhood 17,Oct,22 07:15
That would be exciting dura2000.

By #685520 10,Jan,23 01:41
Would love to catch you like this.
By dhood 11,Jan,23 15:38
What would you do if you did?
By #685520 11,Jan,23 18:50
Jack it for you.

By barharbor 06,Mar,23 16:57
I get so fucking turned-on seeing that in rest areas. It is such a turn-on seeing a guy with his cock out and jerking it. At this one area that I went to whenever I saw this one guy there, he would pull over next to me, lower his passenger window so we could talk. Then pull out his cock and start jerking-off until he shot his load. I'd get so fucking horny and stiff that I would start pulling my cock also.
By dhood 07,Mar,23 06:56
That is very exciting. Are there rest areas where public masturbators can be found?
By barharbor 07,Mar,23 08:21
There certainly are and it is very exciting. Sometimes I'll go to a rest area and slowly drive by the cars parked on the left side so that I can look in as I pass them to see if I can catch someone jerking-off. When I see someone with their cock out I'll stop to see if they are going to cum-off as I watch. At some rest areas, there are wooded areas around them and sometimes you can catch guys jerking-off or getting a blow-job. You can either join -in or watch or watch and jerk-off. It's all so fucking exciting. My wife loves when I bring her to a rest area.Showing her off really gets me off.
By dhood 07,Mar,23 10:02
I guess I'm going to have to keep on the look out next time a pull into a rest area.

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