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Found a safe little spot in my own backyard to enjoy myself...

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Found a safe little spot in my own backyard to enjoy myself...

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By HardAtWork 07,Aug,21 04:08
I am curious why this picture was flagged for being posted in the "wrong category"....I put it under "Normal Dicks"...As far as I know I have a "normal dick"....and I didn't think any of the other categories fit any better than that....Granted, it's not that big and it curves to the left a bit when it's erect but....And no, the neighbors can't see me from their windows. They weren't even home I know for a fact.....Just curious about getting dinged for this pic....

By Walker 04,Nov,22 14:35
I don't know either. I have been dinged on lots of photos. I think it is because it looks like a voyeur is watching you walk around in your yard naked. I like to do that in my wooded backyard.
By HardAtWork 06,Nov,22 19:21
Maybe that's it... Was all alone though and I know nobody was home next door and they couldn't see me in that spot anyway....Oh well, all good!

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