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Would love to play with that

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Would love to play with that

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By June44 02,Aug,21 09:45
Would love to play with that
By neednopants 07,Aug,21 06:13
You are welcum to do it !!!!!!!!

By casado 02,Aug,21 10:18
bem depilado. boa foto.
By neednopants 07,Aug,21 06:14
Muito obrigado

By spermkiss 02,Aug,21 12:00
Hey, pal, as soon as I saw the thumbnails of this photo and the other two you posted at the same time I knew it was you. I don't know if I recognized your fine subject matter or your photographic style (probably both), but I knew it was you. You turn genitalia photography into fine art.

So please, keep your pants off (given your name, I think you do this a lot) and your camera at hand and keep showing us your fine work.
By MoeJoe 04,Aug,21 11:55
I agree...this guy's cock photography has no equal here ! Reminds of a guy who used to be here S99 or something like that.
By neednopants 07,Aug,21 06:19
Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
By neednopants 07,Aug,21 06:19
Hello Mr Spermkiss, that is a very big load of very very kind words .... I never thought that taking pix of my private parts might be any kind of art. I am not a painter and my cock is no sculpture. What I do and how I do it is because I want to have fun and share this fun with other people. Maybe: this is some kind of art. So right now and here I want to promise: By taking of the pants (if wearing any at all) and by taking some pix of my old cock and balls every now and then I will do some artork further on - hoping there are fine folks like You outside who like to see what I show ... see You next. David.

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