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Me compared to Lengthwise

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Me compared to Lengthwise

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By lengthwise 05,Feb,21 17:14
It certainly looks like the cock on the right only reaches the shaft of the left cock. Any woman would feel the difference inside her!
By HelmetHead 06,Feb,21 23:52
Anymore I kind of like her on top so she can decide how much she wants. It's kind of like giving her my penis for a while and letting her use it as she pleases.
By lengthwise 09,Feb,21 11:52
I love that position. Do they have find it difficult to push down all the way down on your shaft? With me they seem to always just sit comfortable no matter how hard I grind it up.
By HelmetHead 13,Mar,21 15:42
They find it difficult at first, but after a few minutes it's usually comfortable for them. I think more than taking the whole length, the girth stretches their lips so that it stimulates their clit.

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