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Cock rings time

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Cock rings time

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By kre8tor69 17,Mar,21 16:17
How many can you add to your cock and balls?
By johnleman82 18,Mar,21 05:52
good questions, 6 in the image
By kre8tor69 19,Mar,21 21:52
Wat are these rings made of? Rubber???
By johnleman82 20,Mar,21 22:16
I don't know, maybe
By kre8tor69 21,Mar,21 16:58
But are they at least stretchy?
By johnleman82 22,Mar,21 05:23
By kre8tor69 22,Mar,21 15:14
Thanks! Got info from another guy here about some brass ones that can also be used as weights on my sac to stretch that longer somewhat after awhile I hope. I want the sac to be a better handle for folks to use to grab and tug on somewhat!
By johnleman82 22,Mar,21 17:10
By kre8tor69 23,Mar,21 15:35
I liked my wife to grab and tug slightly on my sac. She did not like to do it I guess she was afraid of really hurting them. I told her I would let her know if it got too much but she never liked doing and soon quit altogether.
By johnleman82 24,Mar,21 10:24
By kre8tor69 27,Mar,21 20:23
I do like it and now have found that if I stand at the bathroom sink with my balls on the edge of the counter I can JO and beat my balls until I come by myself. Rather have someone else try and do some light play but we all do what we can now days. Got my 2nd shot 2 days ago and still have a sore arm but hoping this shit will all go away so we can all get back to safe sexy fun for all soon!
By johnleman82 28,Mar,21 20:25

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