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lurch61 pointed out that I dont have a photo of my toy in my cunt! Im so dumb lo

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lurch61 pointed out that I dont have a photo of my toy in my cunt! Im so dumb lo

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 1


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By Lachance95 20,Sep,20 14:14
You should have at least two toys in your cunt and one in your ass. Guess you could use some help with it....and I'm not taking ,,no" for an answer
By ObedientAlice 03,Oct,20 19:49
Do I need to keep something in my cunt all day or all night? When am I allowed to take it out and what should I use because I cant sit on my dildo. I want to obey, sir! Please tell me how to keep myself degraded and feeling like a stupid cunt
By Lachance95 04,Oct,20 04:33
Now we're talking! 😈 I could even say that I'm almost proud of you...but it's doesn't change much, you're still a dumb whore. I like your suggestions, though. I want to to buy a buttplug - if you doesn't have one already - and keep it inside your...guess what? If it starts to hurt you'll be allowed to.....no, of course you won't be able to take it out! Let's begin by spending a whole night like that. You're obliged to report to me as soon as possible after that
By ObedientAlice 05,Nov,20 22:50
Sorry for the late reply sir, I dont have money right now for a plug, can you pm with what I can use instead? Sorry for being a poor and useless cunt
By Lachance95 06,Nov,20 03:39
Don't even try to apologize, slut! You're broke, huh? Always thought you're just a piece of trash but I've never assumed you wouldn't afford a fucking buttplug. We gotta figure something out
By Dick-tator 08,Dec,20 20:34
I'll buy the fuckin buttplug cuz obviously someone's too cheap to get you one..totally willing to use the cunt but not willing enough to take care of the whore..tisk tisk

By Thickandfat 16,Aug,23 10:57
I’ll fuck your pussy with that while my cock is deep in your ass

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