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That's where I've always have had issues with the double sta

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That's where I've always have had issues with the double sta

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By 1cock 15,Apr,19 09:53

By bellyboy8 24,Apr,19 08:25
That's where I've always have had issues with the double standard in our American homophobic society. I am really blessed that my wife of 12 years knows about my cross dressing ways and was happily helpful in measuring me for my first bra, 44D btw. And I was so nervous to ask her and it turned out to be no big deal! Such a relief!

By #553961 28,Apr,19 19:19
Typical bloody woman thats why i gave them up

By Tiny_Cock 28,Jan,20 14:35
So true... but i still like to wear them anyways. :-)

By #610849 27,Feb,21 02:00
Absolutely true. Anyone would think that we committed murder.

By #610849 27,Feb,21 02:02
Bellyboy8 🤗🤗🤗

By Walker 26,May,21 16:51
So true. I admit I have a panty fetish I have since I was a kid. I collect dirty panties replacing many with sexier panties I bought for the ladies. I have had my T-shirts and boxers taken by women so I don't feel bad taking their sexy dirty panties. My wife found several pairs of panties not hers as she knew her friend would come over and shower before using the hot tub. She would not put her dirty underwear back on, and would take mine and wear before she fully dressed to go home. Now she doesn't care if I wear sexy panties or no panties at all.

By Cockstroker 14,Aug,21 23:27

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