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Hello from the state of California.

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Hello from the state of California.

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By #510367 08,Jul,17 23:43
Great Pic
By Leilani 15,Jul,17 00:31
Do you like stars? I do.
By #510367 15,Jul,17 07:25
I love the Flag and Nation it stands for .God Bless America.
By Leilani 27,Aug,17 10:27
Have you been to California, Sir?
By #510367 27,Aug,17 12:07
No Im afraid not .The farthest I have been west is Phoenix AZ. How are you little lady ?
By Leilani 22,Apr,18 23:25
O.k., thanks so much. How about yourself?
By Leilani 22,Apr,18 23:27
Me too. I think our flag design is attractive and I adore our nation very much.
By leopoldij 24,Apr,18 01:08
What about the stripes? They deserve an honourable mention too!
By Leilani 02,Oct,18 03:06
Indeed so leo!

By HunterAce 09,Jul,17 02:12
Hello from Sacramento
By Leilani 15,Jul,17 00:30

By leopoldij 17,Jul,17 02:09
Hello from the state of CA too.
By Leilani 27,Aug,17 10:23
Leo! Are you really here?
By leopoldij 28,Aug,17 00:13
I was... Just left though...

By leopoldij 18,Sep,17 15:11
Nice flag.
By Leilani 22,Apr,18 23:29
I think so too.

By PoloFields 09,Oct,17 07:04
Another Californian checking in ... hugs.
By Leilani 22,Apr,18 23:28
Hugs back. =)

By longdong 25,Oct,17 11:17
I love this flag
By Leilani 22,Apr,18 23:41
Fudge YEAH!

Love the flag, love the country!

By leopoldij 28,Nov,17 19:20
Best flag in the world. And when it waves in California it's even better!
By Leilani 22,Apr,18 23:42
Leo, what's your favorite part of California?
By leopoldij 23,Apr,18 19:18
Bay Area, of course. Northern CA more generally, but I put the BA on top.
By Leilani 23,Apr,18 21:32
It IS absolutely beautiful. One of the most desirable places to live in, in all the world.
By leopoldij 24,Apr,18 01:07
That's exactly right. It's not just the area that offers lots and lots of possibilities (including the chance to experience three different climates in one day!) but also the culture and the people. It is totally non-representative of the narrow-minded, backward-thinking, regressive, uncultured, religionistic, intolerant, fucked up, uneducated America, the one that elected Trump. There is no space or tolerance for KKK, for example, in the Bay Area. And you won't meet any flat-earthers there either.
By Leilani 02,Oct,18 03:07
And palm trees. Yes we DO have them! They're not just in Southern California!

By #479418 06,Mar,18 20:28
What's a BBW?
By Leilani 22,Apr,18 23:38
The letters stand for, "Big Beautiful Woman", dearie pie.

By #479418 06,Mar,18 20:34
I always find it very interesting how Americans imagine the world as an image of the American world, what fucking ever BBW means, the whole world has to guess it lol...
By Leilani 22,Apr,18 23:37
Sorry about abbreviating like I did. Ironic I did it because I also **** abbreviations people post and I don't know what they mean. Slows me down, sitting there figuring out what the letters stand for. It means, "Big Beautiful Woman".
By Leilani 22,Apr,18 23:39
Starred-out hidden word is "h.a.t.e.".

By #479418 06,Mar,18 20:36
Quite amusing
By Leilani 22,Apr,18 23:38
I'm sorry for my delay in responding back! xx

By Jim65 21,Mar,18 14:18
love this flag
By Leilani 22,Apr,18 23:39
Oh me tooooo!
By Jim65 23,Apr,18 03:56

By Barefootjess 22,Sep,18 15:52
America. The land of the free. The only place in the world you can say anything with no apologies
By Leilani 02,Oct,18 03:09
Do you like our flag design?
By Barefootjess 03,Oct,18 11:14
I think our flag is very beautiful and powerful. The Stars really repersent our great unified power as a nation

By Chauncey_Street 03,Oct,18 14:01
From sea to shining sea!

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