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Penis size

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Penis size

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By #289842 23,Apr,16 21:04
Economy developing countries (on the right) is short penis

By #289842 23,Apr,16 21:07
Correction: Economic developing countries (on the right) is a long penis

By Raypark 01,Mar,17 12:16
Totally untrue !!! The average penis is actually 5.2 inches or just over 13 cm thruout all demographic races as per an accurate survey which men where actually measured by someone from the survey. All other surveys rely on the honesty of the participants. It appears the countries on the left are more honest than those on the right. Of course, there are those who are smaller (3%) and those who are bigger(3%) in all races. No wonder some men feel inadequate with such stats, it's totally impossible to have men in one country to have double in size to another country. There are no such stats of comparing women's breasts from one country to another because it's just ridiculous !!! All people are different, but no way such difference, would be the same for height, feet size, waist, .......

By small-is-beautifull 05,Sep,19 16:44
Mein Penis liegt irgendwo zwischen Südkorea und Griechenland. Naja.

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