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I like the idea that you'll be looking me in the eye as I mo

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I like the idea that you'll be looking me in the eye as I mo

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 1


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By JustWondring 04,Sep,19 07:25
I like the idea that you'll be looking me in the eye as I move in to take your cock into my mouth.

By bustyman44dd 21,Feb,21 06:37
Never imagined myself wanting to kiss a nose so much!

By kre8tor69 19,Nov,22 20:27
Cute pix sir. You are way to far away for any F2F fun. But it would be fun to try and pleasure you for sure. I have only been with a very small number of cocks. Mostly with my wife back a bit until she got ill and gave up our sex life altogether. I am now looking for a local guy to play with a few times for the fun of it. I liked each cock I got to play with when I did. I am like you and not bi or gay. Just heteroflexible for the fun of it. I hope you find someone to try out your new desire like I did

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