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Tucked in and "stumpy." Can you coax him out???

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Tucked in and "stumpy." Can you coax him out???

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 6


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By littleun 14,Nov,14 23:57
I would certaintly like to try!
By slipper 18,Sep,15 19:50
Or, maybe use your stiffy and drive him completely back into my groin while you follow behind and I completely dock you while you have your way with my crotch???

By #406654 15,Nov,14 05:05
beautiful hairy

By slipper 14,Dec,14 02:03
...or, perhaps someone would rather drive it farther back inside me with their turgid knob and follow along behind?
By pifad 14,Sep,15 13:59
Sign me up

By #24941 25,Dec,14 15:38
How about my tongue getting lost inside a few hours?????????
By slipper 15,May,15 01:33
...or, a lot of hours?!?

By malecall4 03,Feb,15 02:00
fabulous dude,you have so much skin & your awesome pubic hair,you are giving me a turgid hardon

By basque9 14,May,15 00:49
Very sexy!
By slipper 15,May,15 01:30
Would love you to make use of it how you ever you liked!!!

By Horst 10,Jul,15 13:53
great sexy hairy area. Beautiful

By pifad 14,Sep,15 14:01
My favorite hangout is between your thighs licking, slurping, sucking and probing

By Likemhairy 20,Nov,15 15:27

By #521427 21,Nov,16 01:40
I am certain my many 4skin techniques will coax him and then make him spill a load or 4

By #537228 16,Feb,18 17:43
Mine can shrink like that. I can even push it all the way inside, so nothing is sticking out. I like to try all kinds of things with my marvelous toy!

By azmudcat1965 07,Aug,22 04:01

By palsss 18,Feb,23 13:46
WoW so hot
By slipper 18,Feb,23 23:39

By Martin1984CZ 17,May,24 19:09
OMG, such a beauty!!!
By slipper 18,May,24 00:07
Thank YOU!
By Martin1984CZ 19,May,24 07:19
By slipper 19,May,24 14:26
Appreciate your interest!
By Martin1984CZ 20,May,24 07:52
That's not interest, that's deep attraction and total excitement. I'd love to cuddle with your penis.
By slipper 20,May,24 23:02
Thanks. Wish I could make that happen... but, alas...
By Martin1984CZ 21,May,24 18:13

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