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I don't think there's anything quite so beautiful as the swo

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I don't think there's anything quite so beautiful as the swo

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By anonymous 24,Feb,16 04:27
I don't think there's anything quite so beautiful as the swollen labia minora of a horny woman. And putting your tongue on it just the right way so that it brings her chills. Nice chills. The kind that you can hear it take her breath... and it's almost like you can feel 'em too. Then if you gently open that labia with your tongue, you're gonna start finding and tasting the wetness of a horny woman. You just keep going and let things happen as they may and you're not all that far from being all around her clitoris and then on it and you might just get her to the point she's starting to raise her pussy in the air so you can't avoid her clitoris and she's so ready to tell you to "suck it". You never really know how those things are gonna work out, so it's best not to plan it... always better when it just happens. But not many things can compare to licking and sucking an orgasm from the clitoris of a very horny woman. But don't try to do it too fast. Maybe just halfway there, then fuck her some until she's kinda pushing your head back down to her pussy, cuz she knows what she wants to happen now. She just wants to use your mouth for a minute, and what you're gonna end up feeling happen is almost as good as cumming yourself. All you need too make this happen is a half horny out of her mind woman. And they're everywhere.

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