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Meine Eier - My nuts

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Meine Eier - My nuts

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By #457775 14,Nov,14 08:22
geile Eier!

By #10548 19,Apr,15 05:54
Hmm wie gern würd ich die mal kosten ;-)

By #345428 11,Oct,15 13:18
yes squeeze the nutsac until he spurt

By balticsea 20,Oct,17 02:40
Amazing balls! Wanna lick and squeeze

By #88316 07,Mar,18 03:12
Geile pralle Eier

By #502740 21,Jun,18 10:58

By stefan123 14,Jul,18 07:50
klasse Eier

By cut1972 14,Apr,19 11:39
Geile Hoden! Die würde ich gern mal in die Hand nehmen..

By Felixxxx 23,Jul,19 21:55

By #533873 20,Oct,19 05:04
das sind schöne Männer-Eier
By small-is-beautifull 20,Oct,19 09:37
Ich befürchte, sind sind in den letzten Jahren um einiges kleiner geworden, denn sie haben sich entschlossen, ihre Arbeit einzustellen.
By #533873 30,Oct,19 14:10
Warum haben sie ihre Arbeit eingestellt? Produzieren sie keinen Samen mehr?

By #589718 28,Feb,20 06:08
Bitte lass mich deine Eier lutschen

By corona 13,Mar,21 17:19
Taste looking balls

By Reinhold 29,Oct,24 01:52
wünschte es wären meine eier und du würdest weiter zudrücken

By eichel 01,Dec,24 09:19
Wir sollten mal schön unsere Hoden aneinanderreiben
By small-is-beautifull 01,Dec,24 11:39

By slipper 14,Feb,25 13:24
May I assume they have shrunken since this picture was taken, just as mine have over time?
By small-is-beautifull 14,Feb,25 15:05
Yes, this picture is more than 40 years old. - The picture with my wrinkled sack is about one year old.
By slipper 14,Feb,25 16:33
Sweet! Thanks for the clarification and confirming my suspicion.

By James_58 23,Feb,25 14:02
By small-is-beautifull 23,Feb,25 18:30
But I'm sorry to say they are today much smaller than then. My testicles don't produce testo and sperms. Why should they remain "large"?

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