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Live worm

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By mywusch 01,May,15 10:42

By jurodr66 03,May,15 09:07
By marine85 14,May,15 00:52
You should try it!

By coyote7666 06,Aug,15 08:54
How did you get it out?
By marine85 19,Aug,15 23:55
It comes out on its own. Sometime it will stay in for a while, other times they back out right away.
By #502789 03,Apr,16 05:27
They turn and cum out it feels great

By #502789 03,Apr,16 05:24
Do it as often as can when I find good one and you right in what you say

By #502789 03,Apr,16 05:25
When they come out right away it's a right sod well to me
By marine85 15,Jan,17 02:38
Yes it is. I rather that they stay in for a while.

By candyman_69 21,Dec,16 12:05
looks great but, what do you do to prevent them from going too deep?
By marine85 15,Jan,17 02:39
I've never had one go 'too deep'. They go as far as they want and then they come out.
By candyman_69 26,Jan,17 12:01
are there everybody comes out in past?? and how long (time) are there in you???
By marine85 01,Feb,17 02:46
Yes, they always come out. some stay in for just a few minutes, others have stayed in up to an hour.

By #622721 08,Aug,20 07:48
That is one of your cock pictures that really turns me on!

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