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Cumshot in my coffee

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Cumshot in my coffee

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By Steffen15 12,Dec,22 22:41
By Luvanicecock 16,Dec,22 12:28
We could have breakfast together, then lunch, ......

By MoeJoe 14,Dec,22 03:54
s the way I like my coffee !!
By Luvanicecock 16,Dec,22 12:13
We should get together sometime. We could have some creamy fun together

By ALEXHOT 28,Dec,22 11:53
Loe your coffe
By Luvanicecock 28,Dec,22 12:33
Nice and creamy

By Cbull66 02,Feb,23 10:13
delicious cup of coffee
By Luvanicecock 03,Feb,23 11:47
I’d be happy to share it with you
By Cbull66 03,Feb,23 12:29

By Raypark 07,Feb,23 09:45
Yep, I take cream in my coffee
By Luvanicecock 08,Feb,23 13:36

By Cockstroker 13,Feb,23 12:47
I would love a cup!
By Luvanicecock 13,Feb,23 20:14
That can be worked out

By Wantboth 02,Mar,23 02:16
I love shooting cum in my morning coffee
Love to find someone to shoot their cum into my coffee, or breakfast

By baldeagle1 02,Mar,23 17:29
i would love your cream in my coffee yummy
By Luvanicecock 02,Mar,23 17:31
I’d enjoy swapping cum with you guys

By Jamie 12,Mar,23 14:33
I love cream on my coffee
By Luvanicecock 12,Mar,23 15:26
Maybe we could swap cream
By Jamie 12,Mar,23 15:47
I like that

By nakedjim 13,Mar,23 16:14
My wife had no idea what I was adding to her creamy coffee & other foods.
By Luvanicecock 14,Mar,23 09:19
That’s hilarious!

By duncanidaho 22,Mar,23 06:03
Do they sell this variety in Starbucks ?
By Luvanicecock 22,Mar,23 11:59
It might depend on what neighborhood you frequent

By Brad 23,Mar,23 11:29
Yes please plenty of your cream in my coffee + I’ll gladly suck u dry !!
By Luvanicecock 23,Mar,23 12:16
By Brad 24,Mar,23 07:17
After my lovely cup of coffee with plenty of cream, a sexy 69 would b perfect with lots of cum swallowing & swapping !!

By cfan2 24,Mar,23 09:53
Best coffee EVER!!!!
By Luvanicecock 25,Mar,23 11:45
Cum and enjoy it with me
By cfan2 25,Mar,23 20:54
Every morning!!!!!!

By mywusch 03,Apr,23 07:53

By #691459 23,Apr,23 23:14
Perfect dairy-free option
By Luvanicecock 24,Apr,23 11:53

By dura2000 23,May,23 16:08
Would you please add cream to my cup?
By Luvanicecock 23,May,23 19:03
Yes indeed

By Bludragon 29,May,23 06:54
Oh please add to my coffee
By Luvanicecock 29,May,23 11:36
We could share a cup
By Bludragon 29,May,23 11:53
Oh that would be awesome

By JasonAnDaddyShowDick 19,Jul,23 20:50
🤸‍♀️⛹️🤾🥰 wow I don't drink coffee but I'll start drinking coffee with your milk 🥛 this is Jason
By Luvanicecock 20,Jul,23 10:29
We can whip some hot chocolate together if you like

By RobertC 09,Aug,23 20:06
I like to add my cum to food. When I was a teen a friend and I put all our cum in a soda for a girl we knew. She drank all of it and didn't seem to taste a difference...
By Luvanicecock 20,Aug,23 12:48
Wow! That must have been pretty entertaining

By TheDane 23,Nov,23 04:41
Delicious coffee 😋
By Luvanicecock 27,Aug,24 11:54
We can make some together

By SwollenAcorn 18,Dec,23 08:55
By Luvanicecock 27,Aug,24 11:54
Just for you

By #707551 23,Dec,23 11:48
My wife said she would drink it
By Luvanicecock 24,Dec,23 11:57
That's very hot!

By joe7702 24,Dec,23 14:09
my wife would like you to cream her coffee
By Luvanicecock 26,Dec,23 07:45
I would enjoy that immensely

By 2pierced 16,Mar,24 02:53
The most perfect cup of coffee imaginable, can I have one?
By Luvanicecock 16,Mar,24 10:38
Yes you can

By bwizard 13,May,24 02:08
my mouth, not a cup
By Luvanicecock 28,May,24 16:36
Whatever works for you

By stefan123 27,May,24 06:56
Coffee for me
By Luvanicecock 28,May,24 16:37
I’m always happy to share

By toydick 10,Jun,24 13:22
Looks like a guy after my own heart, been doing it for over 50 years!
By Luvanicecock 10,Jun,24 16:21

By Smoothsilk 21,Aug,24 14:32
Would love to have you over for coffee, mate! Then we could scramble my balls and play hide the sausage.
By Luvanicecock 27,Aug,24 11:55
That sounds like fun. I can think of a couple really good hiding places.

By juppy 05,Sep,24 19:44
I don't think that's the same "cream" they use in coffee creamer, but hey, whatever you like!

By bwizard 21,Oct,24 21:26
I;ll hold my mouth open for that ,love
By Luvanicecock 21,Oct,24 21:55
Happy to share

By stroker11 22,Oct,24 06:19
More cream please!
By Luvanicecock 22,Oct,24 22:31

By Motman 27,Oct,24 05:33
You can make me a coffee anytime x
By Luvanicecock 27,Oct,24 12:05

By JackinKing 17,Nov,24 12:40
I don’t usually take cream in my coffee but I’m your case I would make an exception
By Luvanicecock 27,Nov,24 17:23

By thebeewolf 30,Nov,24 22:17
Magnificent. You just invented a new Starbucks drink. They have to have a staff of young men in the back room (with just their penises sticking through the wall) watching porn. The barista can flick on a vibe and wait for complete the drink.
By Luvanicecock 02,Dec,24 12:31
Now that sounds like a job I could get excited about

By Hawkeshedonist 02,Jan,25 15:47
I love cream in my coffee. Sometimes I just skip the coffee and go for the cream
By Luvanicecock 03,Jan,25 13:04
A very good suggestion

By Browningman 08,Jan,25 07:37
You can cream my coffee any time
By Luvanicecock 10,Jan,25 12:40

By jackstar 10,Feb,25 06:17
I do love cream in my coffee

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